All Git Users → LeoMobileDeveloper

15 open source projects by LeoMobileDeveloper

1. Mdtable
A data-driven UITableView framework
2. Imagemasktransition
Elegant image transition between view controllers,support both Modal and Push
✭ 120
3. Blogs
一点心得 - iOS,Swift,React Native,Python...
4. Ios Developer Tools
Tools that every iOS developer should know.
5. Parallexbanner
【Deprecated】A banner scrollview to show images with parallex effect
✭ 28
6. Reactnativematerials
React Native的中文参考资料,包括开源库,文字/视频资料,相关工具等
7. Pulltorefreshkit
【Deprecated】Pull to refresh in Swift, easy to use, easy to customize(下拉刷新/QQ/淘宝/优酷/雅虎天气/大众点评)
8. Awesome Rxswift
An "awesome" type curated list of RxSwift library and learning material
9. Qteventbus
10. React-Native-Files
A project used to store temp files
✭ 12
11. LeoDanmakuKit
An iOS Danmaku Kit (添加纯文字弹幕)
12. LHNavigationController
像网易新闻那样,支持全屏push/pop的导航控制器(A NavigationController that allow you to push/pop with full screen gesture)
13. LHProgressHUD
A modern ProgressHUD with wonderful animation
14. WCGradientCircleLayer
Draw Gradient Layer from one color to another
15. LHPerformanceStatusBar
A status bar to show FPS, CPU and memory usage
1-15 of 15 user projects