Finance Pythonpython tools for Finance with the functionality of indicator calculation, business day calculation and so on.
Gpt2 NewstitleChinese NewsTitle Generation Project by GPT2.带有超级详细注释的中文GPT2新闻标题生成项目。
Kivy CnA Chinese Translation of Kivy Programming Guide Based on Kivy 1.9.2 中文翻译Kivy开发文档
NonflowersProcedurally generated paintings of nonexistent flowers.
Medical BooksOpen sourece medical books in LaTeX. LaTeX写的中文开源医学书籍
Somiao PinyinSomiao Pinyin: Train your own Chinese Input Method with Seq2seq Model 搜喵拼音输入法
Doc Han AttHierarchical Attention Networks for Chinese Sentiment Classification
Weibo terminaterFinal Weibo Crawler Scrap Anything From Weibo, comments, weibo contents, followers, anything. The Terminator
Book文言陰符 An Introduction to Programming in Wenyan Language
Char Rnn ChineseMulti-layer Recurrent Neural Networks (LSTM, GRU, RNN) for character-level language models in Torch. Based on code of Support Chinese and other things.
Opencc4j🇨🇳Open Chinese Convert is an opensource project for conversion between Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese.(java 中文繁简体转换)
JszhuyinJS 注音:JavaScript 自動選字注音輸入法;"Smart" Chinese Zhuyin Input Method in JavaScript.
Go Workwxa sensible Work Weixin(企业微信, Wechat Work) SDK for Go
ChineseblueChinese Biomedical Language Understanding Evaluation benchmark (ChineseBLUE)
Swiftui TutorialsA code example and translation project of SwiftUI. / 一个 SwiftUI 的示例、翻译的教程项目。
Clue中文语言理解测评基准 Chinese Language Understanding Evaluation Benchmark: datasets, baselines, pre-trained models, corpus and leaderboard
Segmentit任何 JS 环境可用的中文分词包,fork from leizongmin/node-segment
U8g2 wqy适合 u8g2 的中文字体,采用文泉驿点阵宋体作为源本,提供 12x12、13x13、14x14、15x15 和 16x16 点阵字库。
Ehviewer前任作者NekoInverter在gitlab重新更新EhViewer了,我不再独立维护项目,本项目暂时封存。 请前往 获取最新版本。
Tensorflow Facenet人脸识别算法,结合facenet网络结构和center loss作为损失,基于tensorflow框架,含训练和测试代码,支持从头训练和摄像头测试
Dotnetbook.NET Platform Architecture book (English, Chinese, Russian)
Lgt8fxBoard Package for Logic Green LGT8F328P LGT8F328D and LGT8F88D
GseGo efficient multilingual NLP and text segmentation; support english, chinese, japanese and other. Go 高性能多语言 NLP 和分词
Chinese rime收集現代漢語方言和古漢語的中州韻輸入法拼音方案 Collection of phonetic spelling schemas for Sinitic languages and dialects
Data中国政治和社会事件时间线数据仓库 Database for the timeline of political and societal events in China
Docs CnOpenTelemetry Markdown中文文档: 接入使用、技术标准、RFC、SDK等. 中文网站:
DatasetsPoetry-related datasets developed by THUAIPoet (Jiuge) group.