All Git Users → aws-samples

550 open source projects by aws-samples

501. reinvent-2017-deeplens-workshop
A reference Lambda function that predicts image labels for a image using a MXNet built deep learning model
502. amazonmq-invoke-aws-lambda
Demonstrates an approach to invoking AWS Lambda from messages in an Amazon MQ queue.
503. amazon-ivs-ugc-web-demo
This repository shows how you can build a compelling user-generated content (UGC) live streaming webapp with Amazon IVS.
504. amazon-eks-cluster-logging-remediation
This Cloudformation template autoremediates EKS cluster level logging using CloudWatch Event Rules and Lambda
✭ 33
505. amazon-rds-data-api-demo
Its an example Lambda app which showcases how to run queries using SDK for Aurora Serverless Data API.
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506. aws-codeguru-profiler-demo-application
Example application demonstrating the features of Amazon CodeGuru Profiler
507. ec2-auto-scaling-instance-refresh-sample
Sample EC2 Auto Scaling Instance Refresh solution to update an Auto Scaling group when a new AMI is created by EC2 Image Builder
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509. aws-batch-runtime-monitoring
Serverless application to monitor an AWS Batch architecture through dashboards.
510. serverless-gif-generator
Serverless GIF generator. For more serverless learning resources, visit
511. amazon-ecs-stopped-tasks-cwlogs
Automate storing of Amazon ECS Stopped Tasks in Amazon CloudWatch Logs
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512. aws-iotbot
IoTbot: Controlling and Integrating the GoPiGo Raspberry Pi robot with AWS IoT using Node.js, Android and Amazon Echo
513. lookout-for-equipment-demo
No description, website, or topics provided.
514. lambda-ecs-worker-pattern
This example code illustrates how to extend AWS Lambda functionality using Amazon SQS and the Amazon EC2 Container Service (ECS).
515. aws-dog-no-dog
Dog no Dog is a sample application to showcase how to build a serverless MVP with serverless technologies on AWS.
516. amazon-ivs-chime-messaging-ugc-demo
This demo is designed to educate people who want to build live streaming platform with chatting feature. This demo is implemented using Amplify with Amazon IVS, ChimeSDK Messaging.
517. amazon-pinpoint-lex-bot
Use Amazon Pinpoint, Lambda, and Lex to let your customers have two-way chats with bots via SMS.
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518. aws-gateway-load-balancer-code-samples
No description, website, or topics provided.
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520. swift-ecs-workshop
Example code for container workshop for re:Invent.
521. amazon-chime-media-capture-pipeline-demo
No description, website, or topics provided.
522. aws-management-and-governance-samples
Collection of samples for Management and Governance services
523. protecting-workloads-workshop
This workshop will help you learn approaches for protecting your workloads on AWS.
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524. aws-transit-gateway-attachment-automation
AWS CloudFormation templates and AWS Lambda Python based code for automating AWS Transit Gateway Attachment associations across an AWS Organization.
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526. selling-partner-api-bootstrap
A sample for how to properly implement the Selling Partner API rate limit and authentication.
527. amazon-chime-sdk-recording-demo
No description, website, or topics provided.
528. aws-lambda-redirection-at-edge
Sample code for Handling Redirections@Edge using CloudFront + Lambda@Edge
529. amazon-qldb-dmv-sample-java
A DMV based example application which demonstrates best-practices for using QLDB & the QLDB Driver for Java.
530. blog-multi-region-serverless-service
Blog code for deploying a Serverless API into multiple regions
531. cloudwatch-dashboards-cloudformation-sample
A sample project to demonstrate using Cloudformation, how to create and configure CloudWatch metric filters, alarms and a dashboard to monitor an AWS Lambda function.
532. http-api-aws-fargate-cdk
Build HTTP API Based Services using Amazon API Gateway, AWS PrivateLink, AWS Fargate and AWS CDK
533. aws-efa-eks
Deploying EFA in EKS utilizing GPUDirectRDMA where supported
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534. aws-serverless-nextcloud
moved -
535. aws-xray-dotnet-webapp
An ASP.NET Web API application that has been instrumented for AWS X-Ray
536. aws-ml-vision-end2end
Content consists of Jupyter Notebook tutorials walking through deep learning Frameworks (MXNet, Gluon) to Platforms (SageMaker, DeepLens) for common CV use-cases
537. iot-reference-architectures
The repo is a place to store sequence diagrams and reference architectures that we refer to in IoT presentations. It also contains code that generates some of the sequence and architecture diagrams programmatically so they can be kept up to date.
538. aws-cloudhsm-jce-examples
Sample applications demonstrating how to use the CloudHSM JCE
✭ 34
539. cdk-deployment-of-locust
No description, website, or topics provided.
✭ 23
540. amazon-cloudwatch-auto-alarms
Automatically create and configure Amazon CloudWatch alarms for EC2 instances, RDS, and AWS Lambda using tags for standard and custom CloudWatch Metrics.
541. aws-iot-twinmaker-samples
No description, website, or topics provided.
542. aws-rapid-prototyping-with-python
No description, website, or topics provided.
543. aws-iam-accessadvisor-permissionboundary
Audit IAM roles and users using Access Advisor data using Python/boto3 SDK and automatically create IAM permissions boundaries to limit access
✭ 33
544. bring-your-own-data-labs
Bring your own data Labs: Build a serverless data pipeline based on your own data
545. data-protection
Workshop and sample code that builders can use for experiential learning of AWS services that provide data protection. Services such as AWS KMS, AWS ACM, AWS CloudHSM and others will be explored
546. amazon-eventbridge-resource-policy-samples
Learn more about Amazon EventBridge resource policies and multi-account event bus topologies. This repo contains sample code for the AWS re:Invent 2020 session "Building event-driven applications with Amazon EventBridge" ( and the AWS Compute blog post "Simplifying cross-account access with Amazon EventBridge" (https…
547. amazon-eks-refarch-cloudformation
Reference architecture of Amazon EKS cloudformation templates and AWS CDK samples
548. amazon-elasticsearch-service-with-authentication
Secure Amazon ElasticSearch with AD/LDAP based Authentication & Authorization
549. aws-big-data-blog-dmscdc-walkthrough
No description, website, or topics provided.
✭ 28
550. aws-utility-meter-data-analytics-platform-cn
No description, website, or topics provided.
501-550 of 550 user projects