All Programming Languages → Open Policy Agent

Top 39 Open Policy Agent open source projects

4. modernisation-platform
A place for the core work of the Modernisation Platform • This repository is defined and managed in Terraform
5. opa-policies
Contains OPA Policies for Dockerfiles, Kubernetes YAMLs, Terraform, etc
6. one-click-mlflow
A tool to deploy a mostly serverless MLflow tracking server on a GCP project with one command
7. bpf-opa-demo
No description, website, or topics provided.
8. k8s-advanced
Advanced k8s course / Formation Kubernetes avancé
9. container-image-sign-and-verify-with-cosign-and-opa
This is just a proof-of-concept project that aims to sign and verify container images using cosign and OPA (Open Policy Agent)
10. Kubernetes---An-Enterprise-Guide-2E
Kubernetes - An Enterprise Guide 2E
12. terraform-spacelift-cloud-infrastructure-automation
Terraform module to provision Spacelift resources for cloud infrastructure automation
13. lead-terraform
Terraform modules and scripts to manage LEAD environments
14. policies
A set of shared policies for use with Conftest and other Open Policy Agent tools
15. opa-idea-plugin
Open Policy Agent plugin for IntelliJ
16. regolibrary
The rego library package contains the controls Kubescape uses for detecting miss-configurations in Kubernetes manifests
17. terraform-course
Full course for deploying Infrastructure to the Cloud using Terraform
18. optisam-backend
OpTISAM (Optimized tool for inventive software asset management) is a tool for the Software Asset Management Compliance Audit and Optimization Tool. This monorepo contains all the backend services
20. gsp
GSP is a container platform and curated suite of components helping government deploy, run, observe and secure their services
21. sunbird-devops
Repository for Sunbird devops related projects
23. prancer-compliance-test
This repository includes cloud security policies for IaC and live resources.
24. probr-pack-aks
AKS compliance validation pack for Probr
27. cks-course-environment
No description, website, or topics provided.
28. envoy external authz
Envoy External Authorization server (envoy.ext_authz) HelloWorld
29. postee
Simple message routing system that receives input messages through a webhook interface and can enforce actions using predefined outputs via integrations.
30. dockerfile-security
A collection of OPA rules to statically analyze Dockerfiles to improve security
31. brewOPA
A data access control framework for Open Policy Agent
32. k8s-security-policies
This repository provides a security policies library that is used for securing Kubernetes clusters configurations. The security policies are created based on CIS Kubernetes benchmark and rules defined in
33. policy-library
A library of constraint templates and sample constraints for Constraint Framework tools
35. spire-tutorials
No description, website, or topics provided.
36. runtime
an abstraction library on top of OPA
37. aws-management-and-governance-samples
Collection of samples for Management and Governance services
39. config-validator
Golang library which provides functionality to evaluate GCP resources against Rego-based policies
1-39 of 39 Open Policy Agent projects