OccaJIT Compilation for Multiple Architectures: C++, OpenMP, CUDA, HIP, OpenCL, Metal
RelionImage-processing software for cryo-electron microscopy
Oq EngineOpenQuake's Engine for Seismic Hazard and Risk Analysis
Easybuild EasyconfigsA collection of easyconfig files that describe which software to build using which build options with EasyBuild.
SundialsSUNDIALS is a SUite of Nonlinear and DIfferential/ALgebraic equation Solvers. This is a mirror of current releases, and development will move here eventually. Pull requests are welcome for bug fixes and minor changes.
SingularitySingularity: Application containers for Linux
HpcinfoInformation about many aspects of high-performance computing. Wiki content moved to ~/docs.
SpackA flexible package manager that supports multiple versions, configurations, platforms, and compilers.
CaliperCaliper is an instrumentation and performance profiling library
SamraiStructured Adaptive Mesh Refinement Application Infrastructure - a scalable C++ framework for block-structured AMR application development
OsacaOpen Source Architecture Code Analyzer
Future.apply🚀 R package: future.apply - Apply Function to Elements in Parallel using Futures
LbannLivermore Big Artificial Neural Network Toolkit
UmpireAn application-focused API for memory management on NUMA & GPU architectures
OpencoarraysA parallel application binary interface for Fortran 2018 compilers.
Dask JobqueueDeploy Dask on job schedulers like PBS, SLURM, and SGE
GinkgoNumerical linear algebra software package
MagpieMagpie contains a number of scripts for running Big Data software in HPC environments, including Hadoop and Spark. There is support for Lustre, Slurm, Moab, Torque. LSF, and more.
VisitVisIt - Visualization and Data Analysis for Mesh-based Scientific Data
NsimdAgenium Scale vectorization library for CPUs and GPUs
BltA streamlined CMake build system foundation for developing HPC software
DashDASH, the C++ Template Library for Distributed Data Structures with Support for Hierarchical Locality for HPC and Data-Driven Science
HlslibA collection of extensions for Vivado HLS and Intel FPGA OpenCL to improve developer quality of life.
VolcanoA Cloud Native Batch System (Project under CNCF)
Coreparallel finite element unstructured meshes
SeissolA scientific software for the numerical simulation of seismic wave phenomena and earthquake dynamics
OnemkloneAPI Math Kernel Library (oneMKL) Interfaces
HypreSee https://github.com/hypre-space/hypre for the development repository and releases. This repo will eventually be removed.
PegasusPegasus Workflow Management System - Automate, recover, and debug scientific computations.
Futhark💥💻💥 A data-parallel functional programming language
PymapdPython client for OmniSci GPU-accelerated SQL engine and analytics platform
SimgridMIRROR of the SimGrid framework, for the simulation of distributed applications (Clouds, HPC, Grids, IoT and others). Most of the dev occurs on FramaGit.
Singularity CriThe Singularity implementation of the Kubernetes Container Runtime Interface
NextflowA DSL for data-driven computational pipelines
CharmThe Charm++ parallel programming system. Visit https://charmplusplus.org/ for more information.
OffOFF, Open source Finite volume Fluid dynamics code
ShenfunHigh performance computational platform in Python for the spectral Galerkin method
TranspyleHPC-oriented transpiler for C, C++, Cython, Fortran, OpenCL and Python.
Training MaterialA collection of code examples as well as presentations for training purposes
OmpiOpen MPI main development repository
Wlm OperatorSingularity implementation of k8s operator for interacting with SLURM.
HiopHPC solver for nonlinear optimization problems
ComputeA C++ GPU Computing Library for OpenCL
Flux Corecore services for the Flux resource management framework
MaestrowfA tool to easily orchestrate general computational workflows both locally and on supercomputers
ParenchymaAn extensible HPC framework for CUDA, OpenCL and native CPU.
Slurm In DockerSlurm in Docker - Exploring Slurm using CentOS 7 based Docker images
GeopmGlobal Extensible Open Power Manager
CbrainCBRAIN is a flexible Ruby on Rails framework for accessing and processing of large data on high-performance computing infrastructures.
Fgci Ansible🔬 Collection of the Finnish Grid and Cloud Infrastructure Ansible playbooks
Jean Zay DocCollaborative documentation for and from Jean Zay users. Official Jean Zay documentation is here: http://www.idris.fr/eng/jean-zay/
HpccloudA Cloud/Web-Based Simulation Environment
OndemandSupercomputing. Seamlessly. Open, Interactive HPC Via the Web