All Git Users → bmuschko

18 open source projects by bmuschko

1. Gradle Cargo Plugin
Gradle plugin that provides deployment capabilities to local and remote containers via Cargo
2. Ckad Prep
Exercises demonstrated as part of the video course "Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD) Prep Course" published by O'Reilly Media.
3. Ckad Crash Course
In-depth and hands-on practice for acing the exam.
✭ 171
4. Gradle Android Examples
Demonstrates the use of Gradle for Android projects
✭ 98
5. Gradle Clover Plugin
Gradle plugin for generating a code coverage report using Clover
6. Gradle Gae Plugin
Gradle plugin that provides tasks for uploading, running and managing Google App Engine projects
7. Go Testing Frameworks
Demonstrates the use of different test frameworks for Go code.
8. Gradle Docker Plugin
Gradle plugin for managing Docker images and containers.
9. Docker For Jvm Projects
The exercises and samples for the training "Docker for JVM projects".
✭ 37
10. Gradle Initializr
A web-based quickstart generator for Gradle projects
✭ 35
11. Gradle Tomcat Plugin
Gradle plugin supporting deployment of your web application to an embedded Tomcat web container
12. Gradle In Action Source
Source code for the Manning book "Gradle in Action"
13. Gradle Nexus Plugin
Gradle plugin for configuring and uploading artifacts to Sonatype Nexus
14. gradle-izpack-plugin
Gradle plugin that provides support for packaging applications for the Java platform via IzPack.
15. gradle-javafx-hello-world
Simple Hello World JavaFX project built with Gradle
✭ 18
16. todo-web-service-exercise
A RESTful web service to managing ToDo items.
✭ 18
17. link-verifier
A tool for verifying links in text-based files
18. todo
A sample To Do web application built with Gradle.
1-18 of 18 user projects