33 open source projects by cfpb

1. Open Source Checklist
check internal repos against open source checklist requirements
✭ 223
2. Cfpb.github.io
A site for the CFPB to share and discuss its technology work with the world.
✭ 206
3. Consumerfinance.gov
Django project protecting American consumers
4. Idea Box
An application that lets an organization collect ideas, comment on them, and vote them up.
✭ 145
5. Jenkins Automation
Helpers for automating Jenkins via Groovy code—primarily job builders and utilities.
✭ 116
6. Docter
A Jekyll template for project documentation
✭ 103
7. Design Manual
⚠️ THIS REPO IS DEPRECATED ⚠️ A set of design principles and standards for the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.
✭ 99
8. Clouseau
Search your repository's git history for undesirable text patterns such as passwords, ssh keys and othe personal identifiable information
✭ 98
9. Owning A Home
⚠️ DEPRECATED ⚠️ Suite of tools and resources for homebuyers.
✭ 96
10. Django Nudge
Gently push content from development to production. This is a public domain work of the US Government.
✭ 74
11. Capital Framework
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau's user interface framework
✭ 55
12. Regulations Parser
(DEPRECATED) Parser for U.S. federal regulations and other regulatory information
✭ 54
13. College Costs
⚠️ Deprecated: see note. ⚠️ A tool to help students weigh the costs and rewards of a college program.
✭ 49
14. Ec2mapper
EC2mapper is a web application that provides a user-friendly interface to view Amazon AWS network configurations, while allowing changes to be easily tracked over time.
✭ 47
16. Regulations Core
(DEPRECATED) An engine that supplies the API that allows users to read regulations and their various layers.
✭ 16
17. Qu
⚠️ This project was archived on September 25th, 2020 and is no longer maintained
✭ 359
18. amortize
A node module to calculate the interest paid, principal paid, remaining balance, and monthly payment of a loan.
✭ 51
19. owning-a-home-api
The API that drives the Owning A Home project.
✭ 12
20. node-wcag
WCAG and Section 508 accessibility audits from the command line.
21. wagtail-treemodeladmin
An extension for Wagtail's ModelAdmin for a page explorer-like navigation of Django model relationships
22. api
Documentation to support upcoming data platform API and data sets
23. retirement
Helping Americans make choices about retirement
24. wagtail-inventory
Search Wagtail pages by the StreamField blocks they contain
25. source-code-policy
The CFPB's official Source Code Policy.
✭ 31
26. development
A repository for the discussion and publication of the CFPB development team standards.
✭ 49
27. sheer
A tool for loading arbitrary content into Elasticsearch and serving that content on the web.
✭ 29
28. github-changelog
Generate a changelog based on GitHub pull request titles
29. jmeter-bootstrap
Downloads JMeter and JMeter plugins and demonstrates usage via examples. Suggested to be used as a git submodule
30. regulations-site
(DEPRECATED) Web interface for viewing U.S. federal regulations and other regulatory information
31. wagtail-sharing
Easier sharing of Wagtail drafts
32. hmda-explorer
⚠️ This project is archived and no longer maintained
33. transit subsidy
Open source version of a simple Transit Subsidy intake form. This is what is commonly used by United Stated federal government agencies. This is a public domain work of the US Government.
1-33 of 33 user projects