All Git Users → dgynfi

5 open source projects by dgynfi

1. Opensource
♨️ 分享GitHub优秀开源项目和主流开发使用的网站、解决问题方案收集以及学习网站或资料,涵盖了iOS, macOS X, Blockchain, Flutter, Weex, H5, Games, C++, Script等多方面的内容,其中iOS大致包涵以下内容:音视频;IM和直播;逆向开发;图像相关(OpenGL, Metal, GPUImage);内购(IAP), ApplePay和第三方支付;安全攻防和应用加固, 数据安全和算法;常用第三方库;导航栏和状态栏;侧边菜单;数据持久;蓝牙, 手势指纹面容ID解锁, 图片浏览器, 扫码, 下拉和上拉刷新, 指示器, Toast, Menu, Sensor, Privacy, WebView和进度条, 动画, 选择器, 搜索, 分享, 图片验证码, 设备相关信息, 广告, 高仿项目及Demo等。
2. Dyfauthidandgesturelock
手势密码解锁和 TouchID (指纹) / FaceID(面容) 解锁,代码简洁高效。(Gesture passcode unlocking and TouchID (fingerprint) / FaceID (facial features) unlocking, its code is concise and efficient.)
3. Wechat tweak
♨️ iOS版功能最全的微信插件,支持最新版微信,具备自动抢红包,屏蔽消息和群消息,过滤特定的群聊,防止撤回消息,伪定位 (朋友圈和附近的人),修改微信运动步数和实时取景做聊天页的背景等功能。
4. dart crypto
[Flutter] 本项目基于flutter_macos_v0.5.8-dev版本采用Dart语言开发。`DYFCryptoProvider`集成了Base64, 32/16 Bits MD5, AES, RSA等算法。(This Flutter project is developed in Dart language based on flutter_macos_v0.5.8-dev. `DYFCryptoProvider` integrates Base64, 32/16 Bits MD5, AES and RSA algorithms.)
5. DYFStoreKit
([Swift] A lightweight and easy-to-use iOS library for In-App Purchases (Objective-C). DYFStoreKit uses blocks and notifications to wrap StoreKit, provides receipt verification and transaction persistence and doesn't require any external dependencies.
1-5 of 5 user projects