WjcryptlibPublic Domain C Library of Cryptographic functions. Including: MD5, SHA1, SHA256, SHA512, RC4, AES, AES-CTR, AES-OFB, AES-CBC
Laravel Database EncryptionA package for automatically encrypting and decrypting Eloquent attributes in Laravel 5.5+, based on configuration settings.
Ssosso, aka S.S.Octopus, aka octoboi, is a single sign-on solution for securing internal services
JsrsasignThe 'jsrsasign' (RSA-Sign JavaScript Library) is an opensource free cryptography library supporting RSA/RSAPSS/ECDSA/DSA signing/validation, ASN.1, PKCS#1/5/8 private/public key, X.509 certificate, CRL, OCSP, CMS SignedData, TimeStamp, CAdES JSON Web Signature/Token in pure JavaScript.
PrivyAn easy, fast lib to correctly password-protect your data
Qt AesNative Qt AES encryption class
Encrypt🔒 A set of high-level APIs over PointyCastle for two-way cryptography.
Encrypt Body Spring Boot Starter(停止维护,替代品搜索:https://github.com/search?l=Java&q=encrypt&type=Repositories )SpringBoot控制器统一的响应体加密与请求体解密的注解处理方式,支持MD5/SHA/AES/DES/RSA
Aescipher IosAES encryption working between Objective-C and Java.
CryCross platform PoC ransomware written in Go
SecuredefaultsA lightweight wrapper over UserDefaults/NSUserDefaults with an additional layer of AES-256 encryption
Ksprefs🚀⚡ Kotlin SharedPreferences wrapper & cryptographic preferences android library.
Practical Cryptography For Developers BookPractical Cryptography for Developers: Hashes, MAC, Key Derivation, DHKE, Symmetric and Asymmetric Ciphers, Public Key Cryptosystems, RSA, Elliptic Curves, ECC, secp256k1, ECDH, ECIES, Digital Signatures, ECDSA, EdDSA
HltoolGo 开发常用工具库, Google2步验证客户端,AES加密解密,RSA加密解密,钉钉机器人,邮件发送,JWT生成解析,Log,BoltDB操作,图片操作,json操作,struct序列化
Encryption AlgorithmDES、AES、Present、Extended Euclidean Algorithm、Miller-Rabin( 常用密码学算法)推荐书籍《现代密码学趣味之旅》---彭长根
Padding Oracle Attacker🔓 CLI tool and library to execute padding oracle attacks easily, with support for concurrent network requests and an elegant UI.
AesVerilog implementation of the symmetric block cipher AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) as specified in NIST FIPS 197. This implementation supports 128 and 256 bit keys.
Myutils 🙏 提供时间轴转星座|生肖工具、系统存储空间获取工具、文件大小格式化工具、获取指定文件大小工具、AES加密解码工具(支持android端平台加密解密,java端和android端相互加密解密)、SharePreference操作工具、 File文件操作工具、日期获取和计算工具、界面跳转Intent操作工具、字符串验证和数值转换操作工具、手机震动工具、系统资源操作工具、网络检测工具、 wifi操作工具、单位换算工具、zip压缩和解压操作工具、XML解析操作工具(只支持几种指定格式)、图片加载和处理工具,数据库操作(增删改查)工具、Base64编码解码工具、MD5加密工具。
Py7zr7zip in python3 with ZStandard, PPMd, LZMA2, LZMA1, Delta, BCJ, BZip2, and Deflate compressions, and AES encryption.
BouncerBouncer is a network TCP port redirector/forward proxy (like rinetd) with extra features like Reverse tunneling (like ssh -R), SSL tunneling (like stunnel), connection Failover, LoadBalancing and Clustering. In pure Java (BIO)
LockboxEncrypted storage with built-in key management facilities
Hybrid Crypto JsRSA+AES hybrid encryption implementation for JavaScript. Works with Node.js, React Native and modern browsers.
EncryptlabA Free and Comprehensive Encrypt and Decrypt Tools Website with example code in Node.js, Website is looking for a new server.
CryptoswiftCryptoSwift is a growing collection of standard and secure cryptographic algorithms implemented in Swift
NabhashAn extremely fast Non-crypto-safe AES Based Hash algorithm for Big Data
Aes JsA pure JavaScript implementation of the AES block cipher and all common modes of operation for node.js or web browsers.
Hat.shencrypt and decrypt files in your browser. Fast, Secure client-side File Encryption and Decryption using the web crypto api
AesjniencryptMake safest code in Android. (基于libsodium实现加解密,key在native中,防止被二次打包){长期维护,请star,勿fork}
AesAES-128 hardware implementation
Siv ModeRFC 5297 SIV mode of operation in Java
XjarSpring Boot JAR 安全加密运行工具,支持的原生JAR。
SwcryptRSA public/private key generation, RSA, AES encryption/decryption, RSA sign/verify in Swift with CommonCrypto in iOS and OS X
MetaMeta-repository for Miscreant: misuse-resistant symmetric encryption library with AES-SIV (RFC 5297) and AES-PMAC-SIV support
Link LockPassword-protect URLs using AES in the browser; create hidden bookmarks without a browser extension
ForgeA native implementation of TLS in Javascript and tools to write crypto-based and network-heavy webapps
HeimdallHeimdall is a wrapper around the Security framework for simple encryption/decryption operations.
PyaesPure-Python implementation of AES block-cipher and common modes of operation.