Top 46 plist open source projects

Python Benedict
dict subclass with keylist/keypath support, I/O shortcuts (base64, csv, json, pickle, plist, query-string, toml, xml, yaml) and many utilities. 📘
Dd Plist
A java library providing support for ASCII, XML and binary property lists.
Licensegenerator Ios
Build script that recursively searches for LICENSE files and generates a Settings.bundle friendly plist.
L10n Swift
Localization of the application with ability to change language "on the fly" and support for plural form in any language.
universalJavaApplicationStub - an alternative Application launcher script for Java based macOS Apps that works with both Apple's and Oracle's PList format and supports the old Apple Java 6 as well as all the latest Oracle/OpenJDK/Adopt/Corretto JRE's/JDK's. Plus it supports drag&drop to the Dock icon 🎉
ThemeManager is a lightweight library for application to switching themes. support more attributes and theme extensions. more easy and convenient to use.
Oc Tool
POSIX shell script that builds an OpenCore EFI folder from an OpenCore config.plist
Swift library that makes easier to serialize the user's preferences (app's settings) with system User Defaults or Property List file on disk.
User Startup
Auto start commands when you log in (cross-platform)
Clover Configurator Pro
A free Plist Editor with some optional facilities for Clover UEFI boot loader
Countries States Cities Database
🌍 World countries, states, regions, provinces, cities, towns in JSON, SQL, XML, PLIST, YAML, and CSV. All Countries, States, Cities with ISO2, ISO3, Country Code, Phone Code, Capital, Native Language, Timezones, Latitude, Longitude, Region, Subregion, Flag Emoji, and Currency. #countries #states #cities
Contacts Swiftui
A contacts app built using SwiftUI! Scroll through a dynamic list of contacts, bring up detail views with contact info, and mark contacts as favorites!
A fluent Java API for manipulating json data structures
Programmatically load custom fonts into your iOS and tvOS app.
St3 Binaryplist
Automatically converts binary property lists to XML when opened and writes them back out to binary when saved.
Cordova Plugin Ios Camera Permissions
Cordova / PhoneGap Plugin Permission Settings for NSCameraUsageDescription and NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription in iOS 11 by adding a declaration to the Info.plist file, see:
Swinject extension to load property values from resources
Prephirences is a Swift library that provides useful protocols and convenience methods to manage application preferences, configurations and app-state. UserDefaults
PHP Implementation of Apple's PList (binary and xml)
✭ 423
Fastlane Plugin Versioning
Extends fastlane versioning actions. Allows to set/get versions without using agvtool and do some other small tricks.
A library to handle Apple Property List format in binary or XML
Strongly Typed access to the Info.plist for iOS, macOS and tvOS.
Wechat tweak
♨️ iOS版功能最全的微信插件,支持最新版微信,具备自动抢红包,屏蔽消息和群消息,过滤特定的群聊,防止撤回消息,伪定位 (朋友圈和附近的人),修改微信运动步数和实时取景做聊天页的背景等功能。
Matebookxpro Hackintosh
Hackintosh Solution for the Huawei Matebook X Pro
Reads an .ichat binary plist file and writes newline-separated JSON to STDOUT
Easily Manage Versioning in MacOS, iOS, watchOS, and tvOS projects.
A property list editor for macOS, similar to Xcode's.
 User Defaults Plist → Shell Script converter with Regex filtering
ios超级签-ipa-新版IOS苹果企业签,直接签名直接下载安装,无需进入appstore商城——不需要经过App Store直接下载游戏吗?下载完不知道怎么安装?需要通过第三方软件来安装?绕过苹果检测,测试可以使用HTTPD或者Tomcat构建,使用plist文件
My EFI folder for Ryzen Hackintosh, as known as Ryzentosh.
Reading and writing in JSON, Plist, YAML and XML data made simple when the data format is not known at build time. Swift library and command-line tool.
Converts from one encoding to another. Supported formats HCL ⇄ JSON ⇄ YAML⇄TOML⇄XML⇄plist⇄pickle⇄properties ...
Acknowledgement Plist Generator
Hierarchical configuration manager for Swift applications
management tools
A collection of scripts and packages to simplify OS X management.
Lightweight plist data management framework for iOS 10.3+
Plist-Binary sublime
De/Encode .plist files between XML and binary format
GenericLocalPersistence is a clean and easy-to-use code that is useful for integrating local storage like UserDefaults, PList, Keychain.
Theme manager for your app: apply styles to anything you want through a plist file
Convert a .csv to .plist array for usage with iOS / OSX app development
1-46 of 46 plist projects