All Git Users → exogen

12 open source projects by exogen

1. Graphbrainz
A fully-featured GraphQL interface for the MusicBrainz API.
2. Nose Achievements
[UNMAINTAINED] Unlock achievements when running tests with nose, unittest, or Django!
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3. Graphql Markdown
The easiest way to document your GraphQL schema.
4. Postinstall Build
Helper for conditionally building your npm package on postinstall
6. Jest Styled Components Stylelint
Run stylelint on your styled-components styles at runtime.
7. react-overflow-indicator
Detect overflow and render shadows, fades, arrows, etc.
8. dotfiles
Mac, Vim, Bash, etc.
9. node-fetch-har
Generate HAR entries for requests made with node-fetch
10. django-adminbrowse
[UNMAINTAINED] Add related object links and other useful features to the Django admin interface.
11. badge-matrix
More advanced badges for projects using Travis or Sauce Labs
12. next-modal-pages
For demonstration purposes only.
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1-12 of 12 user projects