BarrelsbyAutomatic TypeScript barrels (index.ts files) for your entire code base
Singlespotify🎵 Create Spotify playlists based on one artist through the command line
Npm UpgradeInteractive CLI utility to easily update outdated NPM dependencies
Npxexecute npm package binaries (moved)
Cacache💩💵 but for your data. If you've got the hash, we've got the cache ™ (moved)
VuepackPublish .vue files in NPM packages
Semana Js Expert30Aulas da Semana JS Expert 3.0 - Construindo um chat multiplataforma usando linha de comando e JavaScript Avançado
MasonCross platform package manager for C/C++ apps
Spife🍛 🍴 a jshttp based µframework 🍴 🍝
Ts ci✅ Continuous integration setup for TypeScript projects via GitHub Actions.
FullstacktemplateA Template for Creating a Full Stack Web Application with Python, NPM, Webpack and React
Interpret TextA library that incorporates state-of-the-art explainers for text-based machine learning models and visualizes the result with a built-in dashboard.
NormitTranslations with speech synthesis in your terminal as a node package
PinyinliteLightweight and Lightning-Fast ⚡️ Pinyin Library for JavaScript
Framework0xcert Framework - JavaScript framework for building decentralized applications - build something unique
YalcWork with yarn/npm packages locally like a boss.
Heroku Config[Utility] Push and pull heroku environment variables to your local env
Yuml DiagramUML diagramming package based on the yUML syntax
Dont BreakChecks if the current version of your package would break dependent projects
CorepackZero-runtime-dependency package acting as bridge between Node projects and their package managers
NpmvetA simple CLI tool for vetting npm package versions
Tinka dependency unwinder for javascript
Pronote Api(Tout langage) API compatible Pronote 2020/2021
DepA little Node.js dependency installer
Darkmode.js🌓 Add a dark-mode / night-mode to your website in a few seconds
Horus🎯 A gRPC-Node Distributed Tracing and Monitoring Tool.
Npm RunRun locally-installed node module executables.
Ni💡 Use the right package manager
Njtnjt (npm jump to): a quick navigation tool for npm packages
YarnhookRun `yarn install`, `npm install` or `pnpm install` on git hooks automatically
Smartblockintuitive block based wysiwyg editor built with React and ProseMirror
ProjectmanProjectMan is a command line tool to easily save/open your favorite projects right from command line. `pm add` to add projects and `pm open` to open them from anywhere you want🦸
NrmNPM registry manager, fast switch between different registries: npm, cnpm, nj, taobao
Lite EditorA Modern WYSIWYG Editor especially for inline elements
Vue BacktotopA Back-to-top component for Vue.js, which scroll page to the top when clicked
Cash Cli💰💰 Convert currency rates directly from your terminal!