ExpressFast, unopinionated, minimalist web framework for node.
Express Mongoose Es6 Rest Api💥 A boilerplate application for building RESTful APIs Microservice in Node.js using express and mongoose in ES6 with code coverage and JsonWebToken Authentication
Next GoProduction ready blog + boilerplate for Next.js 3.X
Spresso SearchVisual metasearch engine built with TypeScript, React, Redux & Express
LoginVue + Vue-router + Vuex 实现前端页面及逻辑,Express 实现注册登录登出的RestFul API 。
ReactExtremely simple boilerplate, easiest you can find, for React application including all the necessary tools: Flow | React 16 | redux | babel 6 | webpack 3 | css-modules | jest | enzyme | express + optional: sass/scss
Hackathon Starter KitA Node-Typescript/Express Boilerplate with Authentication(Local, Github, Facebook, Twitter, Google, Dropbox, LinkedIn, Discord, Slack), Authorization, and CRUD functionality + PWA Support!
Awesome Express这个仓库主要是收集 Express 好用的中间件、新闻资讯、网站等,这是我在基于Express开发web应用过程中搜集到的一些插件和看到的一些好的内容。
SsrReact Server-Side Rendering Example
NotaddA microservice development architecture based on nest.js. —— 基于 Nest.js 的微服务开发架构。
Tensei🚀 Content management and distribution with a touch of elegance.
Mern PassportA boilerplate example of using passport.js for authenticating a MERN application
Express StarterIt's a hackathon-starter fork, but designed to use PostgreSQL by default (or MySQL)
Connext JsA middleware and route handling solution for Next.js.
React Express Stripe💰 Minimal Boilerplate for Stripe used in React and Express. Charge payments from your customers with this project.
Auth JwtA demo to learn JWT by reverse engineering
SaasBuild your own SaaS business with SaaS boilerplate. Productive stack: React, Material-UI, Next, MobX, WebSockets, Express, Node, Mongoose, MongoDB. Written with TypeScript.
Feathers VueA boiler plate template using Feathers with Email Verification, Vue 2 with Server Side Rendering, stylus, scss, jade, babel, webpack, ES 6-8, login form, user authorization, and SEO
Internship Lms FrontendWe are in the mission of solving a crisis for a lot of small and medium enterprises, who are trying to recruit interns for their projects. This platform aims to onboard new interns, who have applied to the companies and help them understand the process and make the transition smooth.
ForumForum software created using Express, Vue, and Sequelize
Node RemNode REM - NodeJS Rest Express MongoDB and more: typescript, passport, JWT,, HTTPS, HTTP2, async/await, nodemailer, templates, pagination, docker, etc. Live Demo:
Crate👕 👖 📦 A sample web and mobile application built with Node, Express, React, React Native, Redux and GraphQL. Very basic replica of / (allows users to get monthly subscription of trendy clothes and accessories).
Cool Admin Apicool-admin-api 是基于egg.js、typeorm、jwt等封装的api开发脚手架、快速开发api接口
Vuesocialsomething like QQ、weibo、weChat(vue+express+socket.io仿微博、微信的聊天社交平台)
Next React Graphql Apollo HooksReact, Apollo, Next.js, GraphQL, Node.js, TypeScript high performance boilerplate with React hooks GraphQL implementation and automatic static type generation
Host ValidationExpress.js middleware for "Host" and "Referer" header validation to protect against DNS rebinding attacks.
Sharex Upload ServerAKA ShareS - Feature full & Stable ShareX and file server in node. Includes images, videos, code, text, markdown rendering, password protected uploads, logging via discord, administration through Discord, url shortening, and a full front end. Use standalone or via reverse proxy
Ts AppBoilerplate project for a TypeScript API (Express, tsoa) + UI (React/TSX)