All Git Users → fastai

40 open source projects by fastai

2. Numerical Linear Algebra V2
Jupyter Notebooks for Computational Linear Algebra course, taught summer 2018 in USF MSDS program
4. Ghapi
A delightful and complete interface to GitHub's amazing API
5. Fast template
A template for really easy blogging with GitHub Pages
6. Fastai old
OLD REPO - PLEASE USE fastai/fastai
7. Fastmac
Get a MacOS or Linux shell, for free, in around 2 minutes
10. Fastscript
A fast way to turn your python function into a script
11. Book nbs
Notebooks for upcoming fastai book (draft / incomplete)
12. Fastdoc
Create publication-quality books from Jupyter notebooks
13. Word Embeddings Workshop
This contains materials for the word embeddings workshop
✭ 114
14. Fastec2
AWS EC2 computer management for regular folks
✭ 109
15. Numerical Linear Algebra
Free online textbook of Jupyter notebooks for Computational Linear Algebra course
16. Randomized Svd
demos for PyBay talk: Using Randomness to make code faster
17. Fastprogress
Simple and flexible progress bar for Jupyter Notebook and console
18. Fastai2
Temporary home for fastai v2 while it's being developed
19. Fastai dev early development experiments
20. Courses Courses
23. Course20
Deep Learning for Coders, 2020, the website
25. Course V4
Please use fastbook's /clean folder instead of this
26. Swiftai
Swift for TensorFlow's high-level API, modeled after fastai
27. Imagenette
A smaller subset of 10 easily classified classes from Imagenet, and a little more French
29. Course Nlp
A Code-First Introduction to NLP course
30. pagegraph
Draw, modify, and execute graphs using a simple python dict interface
32. fastdot
A simple wrapper over `pydot` and `graphviz` which fixes some sharp edges
33. fastai1
v1 of the fastai library. v2 is the current version. v1 is still supported for bug fixes, but will not receive new features.
34. tf-fit
Fit your tensorflow model using fastai and PyTorch
✭ 88
35. fastgpu
A queue service for quickly developing scripts that use all your GPUs efficiently
37. fastsetup
Setup all the things
✭ 49
38. fastforest
A forest that is fast
✭ 41
39. fastdownload
Easily download, verify, and extract archives
40. fastai3
Research repo for code that may or may not end up in fastai3
1-40 of 40 user projects