All Git Users → miguelgrinberg

55 open source projects by miguelgrinberg

1. Flasky With Celery
How to incorporate Celery into a well structured Flask application
✭ 236
2. Flask Pagedown
Implementation of StackOverflow's "PageDown" markdown editor for Flask and Flask-WTF.
✭ 215
3. Flask Oauth Example
Example code from my "OAuth Authentication with Flask" article.
✭ 207
5. Flasky First Edition
Companion code to the first edition of my O'Reilly book "Flask Web Development".
✭ 183
6. Oreilly Flask Apis Video
This repository contains the software that accompanies my O'Reilly training video "Building Web APIs with Flask".
✭ 177
7. Python Engineio
Python Engine.IO server and client
8. Flask Migrate
SQLAlchemy database migrations for Flask applications using Alembic
9. Api Pycon2015
Code for my PyCon talk "Is Your REST API RESTful?"
✭ 150
10. Flask Pycon2014
Code for my PyCon 2014 tutorial "Flask By Example"
✭ 146
11. Oreilly Intro To Flask Video
This repository contains the software that accompanies my O'Reilly training video "An Introduction to Flask".
✭ 142
12. Apifairy
A minimalistic API framework built on top of Flask, Marshmallow and friends.
13. Api Pycon2014
Code for my PyCon talk "Writing RESTful Web Services with Flask"
✭ 123
14. Microdot
The impossibly small web framework for MicroPython
15. Merry
Decorator based error handling for Python
✭ 118
16. Two Factor Auth Flask
Example application for my "Two Factor Authentication with Flask" blog article.
✭ 111
17. Greenletio
Asyncio integration with sync code using greenlets.
18. React Flask App
A Flask + React demo application.
19. Flask Examples
Code for my "Python Web Development with Flask" presentation.
✭ 83
21. Socketio Examples
A few examples that demonstrate the features of the Python Socket.IO server
22. Flask Paranoid
Simple user session protection
✭ 60
23. Turbo Flask
Integration of Hotwire's Turbo library with Flask.
✭ 59
24. Flask Video Streaming
Supporting code for my article on video streaming with Flask.
✭ 1,042
25. Look Ma No Http
Code from my EuroPython 2019 talk "Look Ma, No HTTP!"
✭ 37
26. Flask Httpauth
Simple extension that provides Basic, Digest and Token HTTP authentication for Flask routes
27. Flask Celery Example
This repository contains the example code for my blog article Using Celery with Flask.
✭ 922
28. Rest Auth
Example application for my RESTful Authentication with Flask article.
✭ 825
29. Rest Tutorial
Files for my REST API tutorials featuring a server written in Python and a web client written in Javascript.
✭ 641
30. Flask Socketio Chat
A simple chat application that demonstrates how to structure a Flask-SocketIO application.
✭ 479
31. Flack
Companion code to my PyCon 2016 "Flask at Scale" tutorial session.
32. Flask Socketio
Socket.IO integration for Flask applications.
33. Microblog
A microblogging web application written in Python and Flask that I developed as part of my Flask Mega-Tutorial series.
34. Flask Moment
Formatting of dates and times in Flask templates using moment.js.
35. alchemical
SQLAlchemy 1.4+ wrapper that simplifies its use in Python applications. Can be used with Flask, FastAPI or other web frameworks.
36. python-web-perf
Python web server and web framework benchmark.
37. michelino
A firmware for Arduino based remote controlled robot vehicles.
✭ 38
38. django-verify
Extending the Django authentication system with a phone verification step.
✭ 44
39. microblog-verify
Microblog application from the Flask Mega-Tutorial with added two-factor authentication via the Twilio Verify API.
40. flasky
Companion code to my O'Reilly book "Flask Web Development", second edition.
41. flask-tables
Beautiful Interactive tables in your Flask templates.
42. micropython-iot-tutorial
Source code for the "MicroPython and the Internet of Things" tutorial by Miguel Grinberg
43. sqlalchemy-soft-delete
Implementation of soft deletes for Flask and SQLAlchemy
✭ 59
44. microflack common
No description, website, or topics provided.
45. flask-webcast
Code from my O'Reilly webcast "Python Web Development with Flask"
✭ 36
46. Flask-Runner
A set of standard command line arguments for Flask applications
✭ 39
47. python-testing
Code from my Python unit testing blog articles
✭ 15
48. flask-twilio-video
A small video conference application using Flask and Twilio Programmable Video
50. microblog-api
A modern (as of 2022) Flask API back end.
1-50 of 55 user projects