All Git Users → nowsecure

23 open source projects by nowsecure

1. Owasp Password Strength Test
OWASP Password Strength Test for Node.js
✭ 182
2. Frida Trace
Trace APIs declaratively through Frida.
3. Airspy
AirSpy - Frida-based tool for exploring and tracking the evolution of Apple's AirDrop protocol implementation on i/macOS, from the server's perspective. Released during BH USA 2019 Training
4. Samsung Ime Rce Poc
Samsung Remote Code Execution as System User
✭ 100
5. Mjolner
Cycript backend powered by Frida.
6. Fsmon
monitor filesystem on iOS / OS X / Android / FirefoxOS / Linux
8. Secure Mobile Development
A Collection of Secure Mobile Development Best Practices
9. Android Forensics
Open source Android Forensics app and framework
✭ 268
10. Frida Cycript
Cycript fork powered by Frida.
11. Node Applesign
NodeJS module and commandline utility for re-signing iOS applications (IPA files).
12. cybertruckchallenge19
Android security workshop material taught during the CyberTruck Challenge 2019 (Detroit USA).
13. nscrypto-cpp
A C++11 library providing simple API for public-key encryption
15. frida-uiwebview
Inspect and manipulate UIWebView-hosted GUIs through Frida.
16. ipa-extract-info
Extract the Info.plist from an IPA
17. android-rce-multidex-and-zip-files
PoC code for android RCE with multidex and ZIP files
18. frida-fs
Create a stream from a filesystem resource.
19. datagrid-gtk3
MVC framework for working with the Gtk3 TreeView widget
20. r2frida-book
The radare2 + frida book for Mobile Application assessment
21. frida-uikit
Inspect and manipulate UIKit-based GUIs through Frida.
✭ 41
22. dirtycow
radare2 IO plugin for Linux and Android. Modifies files owned by other users via dirtycow Copy-On-Write cache vulnerability
1-23 of 23 user projects