15 open source projects by onnx

1. Sklearn Onnx
Convert scikit-learn models and pipelines to ONNX
2. Tutorials
Tutorials for creating and using ONNX models
3. Onnx Caffe2
Caffe2 implementation of Open Neural Network Exchange (ONNX)
4. Onnx Mlir
Representation and Reference Lowering of ONNX Models in MLIR Compiler Infrastructure
✭ 120
6. Onnx Tensorrt
ONNX-TensorRT: TensorRT backend for ONNX
7. Onnx Mxnet
ONNX model format support for Apache MXNet
✭ 96
8. Onnx R
R Interface to Open Neural Network Exchange (ONNX)
11. Onnxmltools
ONNXMLTools enables conversion of models to ONNX
12. Models
A collection of pre-trained, state-of-the-art models in the ONNX format
13. Onnx Coreml
ONNX to Core ML Converter
✭ 326
14. Keras Onnx
Convert tf.keras/Keras models to ONNX
15. optimizer
Actively maintained ONNX Optimizer
1-15 of 15 user projects