DjangoThe Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.
Django Colorfieldcolor field for django models with a nice color-picker in the admin. 🎨
Open model zooPre-trained Deep Learning models and demos (high quality and extremely fast)
Django BehaviorsEasily integrate common behaviors for Django models, e.g. Timestamps, Publishing, Authoring, Editing and more.
Insight🔮 Easy access to model information for various model objects
GamaCore plug-in projects of the GAMA platform
GradioCreate UIs for your machine learning model in Python in 3 minutes
GraphgalleryGraphGallery is a gallery for benchmarking Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) and Graph Adversarial Learning with TensorFlow 2.x and PyTorch backend.
TangoThis repository is providing source codes of Tango projects I created.
ArdentSelf-validating, secure and smart models for Laravel's Eloquent ORM
NestedtypesBackboneJS compatibility layer for Type-R data framework.
Api Client GeneratorAngular REST API client generator from Swagger YAML or JSON file with camel case settigs
Lis Ynp🔮 Life is short, you need PyTorch.
3dhop3D Heritage Online Presenter
Evolutility Server NodeModel-driven REST or GraphQL backend for CRUD and more, written in Javascript, using Node.js, Express, and PostgreSQL.
Butterfly🔥 蝴蝶--【简单】【稳定】【好用】的 Python web 框架🦋 除 Python 2.7,无其他依赖; 🦋 butterfly 是一个 RPC 风格 web 框架,同时也是微服务框架,自带消息队列通信机制实现分布式
Data Models🔠 Code and specifications to support harmonized data models
ReobjectPython without ifs and buts - an ORM layer for Python objects, inspired by Django
TypegooseTypegoose - Define Mongoose models using TypeScript classes.
ValidateThis package provides a framework for writing validations for Go applications.
HerosaverAn educational tool for exporting stl from THREE.js
PactoolsPhase-amplitude coupling (PAC) toolbox
SegmentationcppA c++ trainable semantic segmentation library based on libtorch (pytorch c++). Backbone: ResNet, ResNext. Architecture: FPN, U-Net, PAN, LinkNet, PSPNet, DeepLab-V3, DeepLab-V3+ by now.
DeepmodelsTensorFlow Implementation of state-of-the-art models since 2012
Joi2gqlConversion of Joi schemas into GraphQL data types
UclchemUCLCHEM - A gas-grain chemical code for Astrochemistry.
Pecee PixieLightweight, easy-to-use querybuilder for PHP inspired by Laravel Eloquent - but with less overhead.
Spacy Models💫 Models for the spaCy Natural Language Processing (NLP) library
Awesome StreamlitThe purpose of this project is to share knowledge on how awesome Streamlit is and can be
Pinto model zooA repository that shares tuning results of trained models generated by TensorFlow / Keras. Post-training quantization (Weight Quantization, Integer Quantization, Full Integer Quantization, Float16 Quantization), Quantization-aware training. TensorFlow Lite. OpenVINO. CoreML. TensorFlow.js. TF-TRT. MediaPipe. ONNX. [.tflite,.h5,.pb,saved_model,tfjs,tftrt,mlmodel,.xml/.bin, .onnx]
Vue McModels and Collections for Vue
CoolieCoolie(苦力) helps you to create models (& their constructors) from a JSON file.
Acts as apimakes creating API responses in Rails easy and fun
Tensor HouseA collection of reference machine learning and optimization models for enterprise operations: marketing, pricing, supply chain
PlankA tool for generating immutable model objects
VectilerA vector tile, terrain and city 3d model builder and exporter
Report📜 🎉 Automated reporting of objects in R
ModelsA collection of pre-trained, state-of-the-art models in the ONNX format
Performance💪 Models' quality and performance metrics (R2, ICC, LOO, AIC, BF, ...)