LittlerA scripting and command-line front-end for GNU R
MarginsAn R Port of Stata's 'margins' Command
PacmanA package management tools for R
BookdownplusThe easiest way to use R package bookdown for writing varied types of books and documents
CollapseAdvanced and Fast Data Transformation in R
IcdFast ICD-10 and ICD-9 comorbidities, decoding and validation in R. NB use main instead of master for default branch.
Recommenderlabrecommenderlab - Lab for Developing and Testing Recommender Algorithms - R package
ArsenalAn Arsenal of 'R' Functions for Large-Scale Statistical Summaries
SimmerDiscrete-Event Simulation for R
ImportAn Import Mechanism For R
DbscanDensity Based Clustering of Applications with Noise (DBSCAN) and Related Algorithms - R package
OsrmShortest Paths and Travel Time from OpenStreetMap with R
ExplorInterfaces for Multivariate Analysis in R
V8Embedded JavaScript Engine for R
TableoneR package to create "Table 1", description of baseline characteristics with or without propensity score weighting
MatrixstatsR package: Methods that Apply to Rows and Columns of Matrices (and to Vectors)
Latex2expUse LaTeX in R. More LaTeX, less plotmath!
ArulesMining Association Rules and Frequent Itemsets with R
AnytimeAnything to POSIXct or Date Converter
Scatterd3R scatter plot htmlwidget based on D3.js
PinpPinp Is Not PNAS -- Two-Column PDF Template
RblpapiR package interfacing the Bloomberg API from
R AppveyorTools for using R with AppVeyor (
DratDrat R Archive Template
DharmaDiagnostics for HierArchical Regession Models
MinicranR package to create internally consistent, mini version of CRAN
QqmanAn R package for creating Q-Q and manhattan plots from GWAS results
ImputetsCRAN R Package: Time Series Missing Value Imputation
RinsideSeamless embedding of R in C++ programs
CryptoCryptocurrency Historical Market Data R Package
Startup🔧 R package: startup - Friendly R Startup Configuration
Shiny.i18nShiny applications internationalisation made easy
RintrojsWrapper for the Intro.js library
Mschart📊 mschart: office charts from R
ChangepointA place for the development version of the changepoint package on CRAN.
RefinrCluster and merge similar char values: an R implementation of Open Refine clustering algorithms
Openxlsxopenxlsx - a fast way to read and write complex xslx files
WooldridgeThe official R data package for "Introductory Econometrics: A Modern Approach". A vignette contains example models from each chapter.
ProcDisplay and analyze ROC curves in R and S+
LinlLinl Is Not Letter -- Markdown-based LaTeX Letter Template
TidytransitR package for working with the General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS)
Openml RR package to interface with OpenML
PowerlawThis package implements both the discrete and continuous maximum likelihood estimators for fitting the power-law distribution to data. Additionally, a goodness-of-fit based approach is used to estimate the lower cutoff for the scaling region.
RsqlserverSQL Server DBI for R, based on the jTDS driver
FlowrRobust and efficient workflows using a simple language agnostic approach