Caffe2 IosCaffe2 on iOS Real-time Demo. Test with Your Own Model and Photos.
NetronVisualizer for neural network, deep learning, and machine learning models
Onnx Caffe2Caffe2 implementation of Open Neural Network Exchange (ONNX)
NgraphnGraph has moved to OpenVINO
Gen Efficientnet PytorchPretrained EfficientNet, EfficientNet-Lite, MixNet, MobileNetV3 / V2, MNASNet A1 and B1, FBNet, Single-Path NAS
Caffe2Caffe2 is a lightweight, modular, and scalable deep learning framework.
DeepoSetup and customize deep learning environment in seconds.
Test TubePython library to easily log experiments and parallelize hyperparameter search for neural networks
Yolo2 PytorchPyTorch implementation of the YOLO (You Only Look Once) v2
Nnstreamer🔀 Neural Network (NN) Streamer, Stream Processing Paradigm for Neural Network Apps/Devices.
Deep Learning In ProductionIn this repository, I will share some useful notes and references about deploying deep learning-based models in production.
caffe2-ios☕️ Caffe2Kit. A simple one step integration of Caffe2 for iOS.
caffe2-yoloBridging caffe2 with yolo, esp on mobile devices
DLInfBenchCNN model inference benchmarks for some popular deep learning frameworks
AICamera newRecompile the library with caffe2 in pytorch stable(1.0) and re-implement the AICamera example provided by caffe2 officially.
Caffe2-yolo-v3A Caffe2 implementation of the YOLO v3 object detection algorithm
pedestrian recognitionA simple human recognition api for re-ID usage, power by paper
pytorch-android[EXPERIMENTAL] Demo of using PyTorch 1.0 inside an Android app. Test with your own deep neural network such as ResNet18/SqueezeNet/MobileNet v2 and a phone camera.
Caffe2-C-demoShow how to use Caffe2 in C++ through a simple LeNet sample project
Image2LMDBConvert image folder to lmdb, adapted from Efficient-PyTorch
realcaffe2The repo is obsolete. Use at your own risk.