16 open source projects by slok

1. Go Http Metrics
Go modular http middleware to measure HTTP requests independent of metrics backend (with Prometheus and OpenCensus as backend implementations) and http framework/library
2. Ecs Exporter
Export AWS ECS cluster metrics to Prometheus
3. Grafterm
Metrics dashboards on terminal (a grafana inspired terminal version)
4. Kubewebhook
Go framework to create Kubernetes mutating and validating webhooks
5. Box2D-and-SFML-demo
Box2D and SFML Demo, with DebugDraw implemented with SFML
✭ 34
7. prometheus-python
Prometheus metric system client for python
8. devops-course
Devops course sources (Vagrant, Ansible & Docker )
✭ 17
9. bilrost
Kubernetes controller/operator to set up OAUTH2/OIDC security on any ingress based service
10. rainbow-bash
Better bash prompt! you don't need zsh for cool prompts
✭ 42
11. iris
Pelican (the static blog generator) theme based in Flask webpage theme
✭ 30
13. brigadeterm
A simple terminal ui for brigade pipelining system
15. go-jwt-example
Golang & jwt (Jason web token) example
✭ 49
1-16 of 16 user projects