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Top 624 prometheus open source projects

Study Guides for DevOps Proffessionals
Php Fpm exporter
A prometheus exporter for PHP-FPM.
Prometheus Msteams
Forward Prometheus Alert Manager notifications to Microsoft Teams.
⚡ Electrical power consumption metrology agent. Let scaph dive and bring back the metrics that will help you make your systems and applications more sustainable !
Go Gin Prometheus
Gin Web Framework Prometheus metrics exporter
Mikrotik Exporter
prometheus mikrotik device(s) exporter
Prometheus rabbitmq exporter exporter as a RabbitMQ Managment Plugin plugin
Beam Dashboards
BEAM ❤️ Prometheus ❤️ Grafana
Implementation of graphite API (graphite-web) in golang
Graphite exporter
Server that accepts metrics via the Graphite protocol and exports them as Prometheus metrics
Fully featured and highly configurable SFTP server with optional HTTP, FTP/S and WebDAV support - S3, Google Cloud Storage, Azure Blob
Docker Traefik Prometheus
A Docker Swarm Stack for monitoring Traefik with Promethues and Grafana
The RPKI-to-Router server used at Cloudflare
Kube Thanos
Kubernetes specific configuration for deploying Thanos.
Microservices On Cloud Kubernetes
Microservices demo application on cloud-hosted Kubernetes cluster
PromHouse is a long-term remote storage with built-in clustering and downsampling for Prometheus 2.x on top of ClickHouse.
Smokeping prober
Prometheus style smokeping
Docker Prometheus Swarm
Sample prometheus that can be used as a sample to get Swarm cluster metrics
Microservice Scaffold
基于Spring Cloud(Greenwich.SR2)搭建的微服务脚手架(适用于在线系统),已集成注册中心(Nacos Config)、配置中心(Nacos Discovery)、认证授权(Oauth 2 + JWT)、日志处理(ELK + Kafka)、限流熔断(AliBaba Sentinel)、应用指标监控(Prometheus + Grafana)、调用链监控(Pinpoint)、以及Spring Boot Admin。
Prometheus Config
Prometheus config for Alerta
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Exporter exporter
A reverse proxy designed for Prometheus exporters
K8s Gitops
GitOps principles to define kubernetes cluster state via code. Community around [email protected] is on discord:
Clickhouse exporter
This is a simple server that periodically scrapes ClickHouse stats and exports them via HTTP for Prometheus( consumption.
Sql exporter
Flexible SQL Exporter for Prometheus
Prometheus Rpm
Prometheus RPM Packages
linux运维监控工具,支持系统信息,内存,cpu,温度,磁盘空间及IO,硬盘smart,系统负载,网络流量等监控,API接口,大屏展示,拓扑图,进程监控,端口监控,docker监控,文件防篡改,日志监控,数据可视化,web ssh,堡垒机,指令下发批量执行,linux面板,探针,故障告警
PromAnsible, 集成了Prometheuse(基于时间序列数据的服务监控系统)和Ansible(超级简单好用的IT自动化系统),并通过事件报警机制把二者紧密的结合在一起,并配以简单易用的WebUI,真正实现了监控-报警-处理一条龙的全自动化服务。
A Docker swarm-based starting point for operating highly-available containerized applications.
Client python
Prometheus instrumentation library for Python applications
Prometheus Nats Exporter
A Prometheus exporter for NATS metrics
Receives HTTP webhook notifications from AlertManager and inserts them into an Elasticsearch index for searching and analysis
Apache exporter
Prometheus exporter for Apache.
Prometheus Pve Exporter
Exposes information gathered from Proxmox VE cluster for use by the Prometheus monitoring system
Query Exporter
Export Prometheus metrics from SQL queries
Prometheus Kafka Adapter
Use Kafka as a remote storage database for Prometheus (remote write only)
Advanced Kubernetes Course
Course files for the Advanced Kubernetes Usage course
Go package for abstracting stats collection
Github Monitoring
Monitor your GitHub Repos with Docker & Prometheus
Stackdriver exporter
Google Stackdriver Prometheus exporter
Airflow Exporter
Airflow plugin to export dag and task based metrics to Prometheus.
Influxdb exporter
A server that accepts InfluxDB metrics via the HTTP API and exports them via HTTP for Prometheus consumption
SMS alerts for Prometheus' Alertmanager
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1-60 of 624 prometheus projects