All Git Users → udacity

251 open source projects by udacity

52. Fend Office Hours
Summaries and transcripts of Front-End Web Developer Nanodegree office hours.
✭ 126
54. Carnd Lenet Lab
Implement the LeNet deep neural network model with TensorFlow.
56. Ud858
Python version of the Conference Central app for Udacity course on Google App Engine
✭ 123
57. Robond Rover Project
Project repository for the Unity rover search and sample return project.
59. Devops microservices
Supporting material and projects for a course on Cloud DevOps: Microservices.
63. Carnd Tensorflow Lab
TensorFlow Lab for Self-Driving Car ND
66. Google Play Services
Final Repo for the Play Services class.
✭ 109
69. Mws Restaurant Stage 1
Starter Code for the Udacity's "Mobile Web Specialist Restaurant Reviews App: Stage 1" Project
✭ 109
71. Ipnd Webcasts
Summaries and transcripts of Intro to Programming Nanodegree office hours.
✭ 107
72. Android Custom Arrayadapter
A simple sample app that demonstrates using a customized ArrayAdapter
✭ 107
74. Happy Birthday
The official repository for the first Android Development for Beginners App : Happy Birthday
✭ 105
75. Udacidrone
An API for working with flying objects, simulated, unidentified, and otherwise.
✭ 105
76. Carnd Alexnet Feature Extraction
This lab guides you through using AlexNet and TensorFlow to build a feature extraction network.
✭ 104
79. Ud032
Data Wrangling with MongoDB class code
✭ 101
80. Cvnd localization exercises
Notebooks for learning about object motion and localization methods in the last section of CVND.
83. Stockhawk
An Android app for monitoring stocks. This will replace Project 3 in the Android Developer Nanodegree.
✭ 97
85. Cloudflare Typescript Workers
Types and mocks for building a tested Typescript Cloudflare Worker, generates three NPM packages
88. Aind Cv Facialkeypoints
AIND, computer vision capstone project. This repo contains starting code for an end-to-end facial keypoint recognition system that relies on a combination of computer vision and deep learning techniques.
89. Ud549
Course materials for JavaScript Testing
✭ 89
90. Ud036 startercode
Starter Code
✭ 89
91. Nd9991 C2 Infrastructure As Code V1
Repository for starter code and supporting material
✭ 89
92. Aind Vui Capstone
AIND Term 2 -- VUI Capstone Project
93. Ud381
Real-Time Analytics with Storm
✭ 80
95. Reactnd Project Readable Starter
Starting server code for ReactND Readable Project
✭ 78
96. Reinforcement Learning
Reinforcement learning material, code and exercises for Udacity Nanodegree programs.
99. P3 implement slam
Landmark Detection and Tracking (SLAM) project for CVND
100. Robond Rover Unity Simulator
First week project Unity simulator
✭ 64
51-100 of 251 user projects