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Top 1949 webpack open source projects

A bundler for javascript and friends. Packs many modules into a few bundled assets. Code Splitting allows for loading parts of the application on demand. Through "loaders", modules can be CommonJs, AMD, ES6 modules, CSS, Images, JSON, Coffeescript, LESS, ... and your custom stuff.
Babel Webpack Tree Shaking
Tree-shaking example with Babel and Webpack
Vue Cli4 Vant
Vue Template Loader
Vue.js 2.0 template loader for webpack
Webpack Ops
📁 webpack bundle visualization // optimization // config tool
Webpack Shell Plugin
Run shell commands either before or after webpack builds
Webpack Library Example
An example of how to author libraries using webpack.
Vue Video
vue + vue-router + vuex + (fetch->axios)
A fast, simple and cross-platform(html5 react-native weex wechat-applet) stock chart library created using canvas.
Webpack Fix Style Only Entries
Webpack plugin to solve the problem of having a style only entry (css/sass/less) generating an extra js file.
Grunt Webpack
integrate webpack into grunt build process
Vue Cnode
🔥Vue.js打造一个开源的CNode社区。CNode by Vue.js
React webpack rails
Simple and lightweight react-webpack-rails integration.
A static single-page application resume-builder developed using React.js and JSON Resume schema (
Minimal React Starter
As minimal a react starter as you can get... while also using ES6/Babel and Webpack.
Frontend Webpack Boilerplate
Simple starter webpack 5 project template supporting SASS/PostCSS, Babel ES7, browser syncing, code linting. Easy project setup having multiple features and developer friendly tools.
Reset Css
An unmodified* copy of Eric Meyer's CSS reset. PostCSS, webpack, Sass, and Less friendly.
Webpack Config
Helps to load, extend and merge webpack configs
Extremely simple boilerplate, easiest you can find, for React application including all the necessary tools: Flow | React 16 | redux | babel 6 | webpack 3 | css-modules | jest | enzyme | express + optional: sass/scss
21 Points
❤️ 21-Points Health is an app you can use to monitor your health.
create amazing forms without coding : form editor based on angular formly
A component that provides router related functionalities for both client and server.
Lit Vue
🔥 Vue SFC goodies directly in JavaScript files.
Compares frontend project bundles
Webpack Messages
Beautifully format Webpack messages throughout your bundle lifecycle(s)!
"Compile" your VueJS components (sfc/*.vue) to standalone html/js/css ... python only (no need of nodejs). Support python components too !
🦔 A Webpack plugin to inline your critical CSS and lazy-load the rest.
Modular Css
A streamlined reinterpretation of CSS Modules via CLI, API, Browserify, Rollup, Webpack, or PostCSS
📜Some of the node tutorial -《Webpack学习笔记》
React Ant
(基于pro 2.0)基于Ant Design Pro 的 (多标签页tabs、拖拽、富文本、拾色器、多功能table、多选Select)
One Loader
Single-file components for React
Connect Api Mocker
Connect middleware that creates mocks for REST APIs
Canvas Sketch
App to sketch out a business model canvas
a friendly, intuitive & intelligent CLI for webpack
React Svg Inline
DEPRECATED, I recommend you the tool SVGR
Fast Sass Loader
High performance sass loader for webpack
Webpack Chain
A chaining API to generate and simplify the modification of Webpack configurations.
🌏 📊 ol3Echarts | a openlayers extension to echarts
Vue I18n Loader
🌐 vue-i18n loader for custom blocks
Webpack 4 Quickstart
Webpack 4 tutorial: All You Need to Know, from 0 Conf to Production Mode
Javascript Articles
Monthly Series - Top 10 JavaScript Articles
Vue Admin
Static Html Webpack Boilerplate
🔮 modern tooling for old-school static webpage development
React Multi Page App
🍡 react multi page app/react多页面应用
Hard Source Webpack Plugin
Quark Electron
Quark is a cross-platform, integrated development environment for rapidly building - functional , prototypal projects, written in HTML, CSS and JavaScript with native desktop app like capabilities.
Blockly Samples
Plugins, codelabs, and examples related to the Blockly library.
Frontend Boilerplate
An ES20XX starter with common frontend tasks using Webpack 4 as module bundler and npm scripts as task runner.
A Template for Creating a Full Stack Web Application with Python, NPM, Webpack and React
React Course
Code for's "React" course
Embeddable React Widget
Create an embbedable js widget with react
1-60 of 1949 webpack projects