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20 open source projects by yandexdataschool

1. Ysda deeplearning17
Yandex SDA classes on deep learning. Version of year 2017
2. Mlhep2016
Machine Learning in High Energy Physics 2016
3. Mlatimperial2017
Materials for the course of machine learning at Imperial College organized by Yandex SDA
4. Sdc course
Short course about self-driving cars
5. Sklearn Deeprl
Deep reinforcement learning. In scikit-learn. In less than 50 effective lines.
6. Practical dl
DL course co-developed by YSDA, HSE and Skoltech
7. Flavours Of Physics Start
Starter kit for "Flavours of Physics" challenge at Kaggle
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8. Nlp course
YSDA course in Natural Language Processing
9. Mlhep2017
MLHEP 2017 slides & seminars
13. roc comparison
The fast version of DeLong's method for computing the covariance of unadjusted AUC.
14. ml-training-website
ML Training website
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15. deep vision and graphics
Course about deep learning for computer vision and graphics co-developed by YSDA and Skoltech.
16. mlhep2018
MLHEP-18 slides and stuff
17. MLatImperial2016
Materials for the course of machine learning at Imperial College organized by YSDA
18. MLatGradDays
Course of Machine Learning in Science and Industry at Heidelberg university
19. speech course
YSDA course in Speech Processing.
20. mlhep2019
MLHEP'19 slides and notebooks
1-20 of 20 user projects