PythonAll Algorithms implemented in Python
PytudesPython programs, usually short, of considerable difficulty, to perfect particular skills.
Javascript TotalСборник практических вопросов, задач разного уровня сложности, сниппетов (утилит), паттерны проектирования, а также полезные ссылки по JavaScript
Awesome PatternsCollections of Go patterns based on tmrts/go-patterns, But merged with other awesome forks and more improvoments.
Piano fundamentalsThis is a Sphinx adaptation of Chaun C. Chang's book, "Fundamentals of Piano Practice."
Aloc Endpoints5,000 past questions api end points for POST-UTME, UTME, WASSCE, NECO questions
Git KataWhen you know the bases of git but sometimes you have problemes with it. This "code kata" could help you to deal with git problems
Cpp.playground educational repo for storing my practice sessions with ASM, C and C++ as well as solutions to online courses I take relating to ASM, C, and C++ programming
Funmath☔️ Implementations of mathematical functions, formulas and concepts
Android BaseAndroid Clean Architecture MVP RESTful client template app
Ios DemosExamples of ios applications
PlaybookGuides for getting things done, programming well, and programming in style.
Mlatimperial2017Materials for the course of machine learning at Imperial College organized by Yandex SDA
HomeworkA collection of coding exercises to be completed in conjunction the lessons available on
Example.v2An example project for book 'Go Programming & Concurrency in Practice, 2nd edition' (《Go并发编程实战》第2版).
WebsiteRisk-First Software Development
Vim Practice💘 Vim is awesome! Here is my practice and study log.
Start Machine Learning In 2020A complete guide to start and improve in machine learning (ML), artificial intelligence (AI) in 2021 without ANY background in the field and stay up-to-date with the latest news and state-of-the-art techniques!
Go Project SampleIntroduce the best practice experience of Go project with a complete project example.通过一个完整的项目示例介绍Go语言项目的最佳实践经验.
RAll Algorithms implemented in R
Practical FmA gently curated list of companies using verification formal methods in industry
lotoua go game server framework
fretboarder🎸 A web app to visualize scales, chords and arpeggios on all kinds of fretboards.
web-practicesThis project aims to hold a list of exercises for beginner frontend developer to practice their skills and create a path to solve some minor problems.
Ejercicios-PracticosMejora tu lógica de programación y aprende mucho más resolviendo estos ejercicios.
anki-canvas🖌️ Drawing area widget for Anki to practice Kanji writing
diwaA Deliberately Insecure Web Application
try-manubotA repository to practice contributing to a Manubot manuscript
Awesome Python Scripts🚀 Curated collection of Awesome Python Scripts which will make you go wow. Dive into this world of 360+ scripts. Feel free to contribute. Show your support by ✨this repository.
SICP✨practice for SICP, the wizard book < Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs >