Top 350 autohotkey open source projects

51. Mute Current Application
Autohotkey script to mute the current application
✭ 73
52. Autohotkey Script Open Show Apps
AutoHotkey script to open, restore or minimize, Window's and Chrome's Apps using hotkeys
53. Xahk
Auto Key Clicker for Minecraft - Under request from Xisuma
✭ 73
54. Waifu2x Gui
waifu2x-gui written in ahk
✭ 71
55. Ahk Universal Joystick Remapper
An application to remap one or more physical sticks to a virtual stick, with modifications such as axis inversion, deadzones, sensitivity etc. Uses the vJoy virtual joystick library.
✭ 69
56. Windowsmods
Mods and enhancements, shortcut replacements, for Windows.
✭ 67
57. Webapp.ahk
"AHK-Webkit" / Webapp.ahk - Library for developing web-based apps with AutoHotkey.
58. Ahk scripts
A collection of useful AutoHotkey scripts and functions
✭ 61
59. Steambulkkeyactivator
A little macro program that allows you to activate steam keys in bulk
✭ 60
60. Yys Auto Yuhun
网易阴阳师电脑版,Autohotkey/Python 自动御魂脚本。 An Autohotkey/Python bot for automatic Yuhun farming in Netease game Onmyoji, PC emulator version.
61. Spacefn Win
A Windows implementation of the SpaceFN keyboard layout.
✭ 57
62. Genshin Impact Script
Sweet! What a cute Genshin Impact script!
63. Capsicain
Powerful low-level keyboard remapping tool for Windows
64. Viatc
Vim Mode At Total Commander
✭ 50
65. Libcon.ahk
LibCon - AutoHotkey Library For Console Support
66. Autohotkey Scripts
Windows utilities written in Autohotkey. Mostly just proof-of-concepts.
✭ 48
67. Dockwin
Autohotkey Script to save and restore positions of windows.
✭ 46
68. Leswin
repository for the LES windows source code
✭ 45
69. Autohotkey
My AHK scripts
✭ 43
70. Classmemory
An AHK memory reading/writing class with pattern scans.
✭ 35
73. Launchx
A quick launcher for your loving apps, you use more often.
✭ 15
74. Compile Ahk
Compile AHK is a GUI based script that assists with compiling AutoHotkey scripts.
✭ 13
75. Wizquicksearch
wiz(为知笔记)快速搜索插件,仅支持 windows
76. Winstructs
A collection of definitions for Windows structures for decoding DLL call and OnMessage results etc. For use with HotkeyIt's _Struct library.
✭ 12
77. Easydmgreportgo
Easily report damage to teammates with a hotkey after you die.
✭ 10
78. Autonomy
A programming language inspired by AutoHotkey.
79. Ahk loaderbar
Cool Gradient progress bar class by joedf (using CreateDIB by SKAN)
80. Rustadmin
Rust Server Administration Script
81. Piet
Piet interpreter written in AutoHotkey
82. Yaml
Yaml Parser for AutoHotkey
83. My autohotkey scripts
my autohotkey scripts .
✭ 26
84. Yandex Browser Password Export
The only(?) way to move your passwords from Yandex.Browser
✭ 24
85. Datamosh Den
A Combination of FFmpeg, MEncoder and into a GUI for an ez/fast datamosh workflow
86. Cgui
An object-oriented GUI library for AutoHotkey
✭ 19
87. Ahk cng
AHK implementation for CNG (Cryptography API: Next Generation)
✭ 18
88. Clipmd
✭ 18
90. Winezeug
Miscellaneous scripts/projects that are useful for wine developers, but don't belong upstream
91. Puloversmacrocreator
Automation Utility - Recorder & Script Generator
92. Repeat
Cross-platform mouse/keyboard record/replay and automation hotkeys/macros creation, and more advanced automation features.
93. Capslock
Make Capslock Great Again!
94. Capslock Plus
An efficiency tool that provides various functions by enhancing the Caps Lock key into a modifier key.
95. Windows Desktop Switcher
An AutoHotKey script for Windows that lets a user change virtual desktops by pressing CapsLock + <num>.
✭ 552
96. Rpa
UI.Vision: Open-Source RPA Software (formerly Kantu) - Modern Robotic Process Automation with Selenium IDE++
97. Onequick.ahk Legacy
windows快捷键工具(屏幕边缘操作, 剪贴板增强). Autohotkey tool (screen border operation, clipboard manager).
98. Runany
99. Hwidgen Src
HWIDGEN/kms38 source code (AutoHotKey)
100. Poe Trades Companion
Enhance your trading experience in Path of Exile. Highly customizable.
51-100 of 350 autohotkey projects