4. Jt808JT808协议、GB808协议、道路运输车辆卫星定位系统-北斗兼容车载终端通讯协议(支持2013、2019版本)
10. Sharpcaster Chromecast C# SDK for Windows, Windows Phone, .NET 4.5.1, Xamarin.iOS and Xamarin.Android platforms.
11. AlloyAlloy physical shader framework for Unity.
13. CiipCIIP用于快速开发ERP类信息系统的框架.由CIIP.Designer(业务模型设计器)和CIIP.Client客户端运行程序组成.包含报表设计器,Dashboard数据分析工具,支持验证规则,支持外观变化规则,内置权限模块,界面布局设计器,多国语言支持,支持14种常用数据库,如SqlServer,Oracle,MySql等。
14. DocsThis repository contains .NET Documentation.
17. GdcmGrassroots DICOM read-only mirror. Only for Pull Request. Please report bug at http://sf.net/p/gdcm
21. Mediator.netA simple mediator for .Net for sending command, publishing event and request response with pipelines supported
32. DesignpatternsSimple repository containing one simple example for all existing patterns in C#
34. De4dot Cex📦 de4dot deobfuscator with full support for vanilla ConfuserEx
35. Cppast.netCppAst is a .NET library providing a C/C++ parser for header files powered by Clang/libclang with access to the full AST, comments and macros
36. Gameoverlay.netDraw hardware accelerated graphics using our Direct2D1 renderer and create transparent click-through windows.
37. Metroset UiWindows Forms Metro Skin Style, Make The Applications With Metro Styles. see more https://n-a-r-w-i-n.github.io/MetroSet-UI/
38. Run AspnetcoreA starter kit for your next ASP.NET Core web application. Boilerplate for ASP.NET Core reference application, demonstrating a layered application architecture with applying Clean Architecture and DDD best practices. Download 100+ page eBook PDF from here ->
41. Catalyst🚀 Catalyst is a C# Natural Language Processing library built for speed. Inspired by spaCy's design, it brings pre-trained models, out-of-the box support for training word and document embeddings, and flexible entity recognition models.
43. InsiderStatic Application Security Testing (SAST) engine focused on covering the OWASP Top 10, to make source code analysis to find vulnerabilities right in the source code, focused on a agile and easy to implement software inside your DevOps pipeline. Support the following technologies: Java (Maven and Android), Kotlin (Android), Swift (iOS), .NET Full Framework, C#, and Javascript (Node.js).
45. LinqitExtend python lists with .NET's LINQ syntax for clean and fast coding. Also known as PINQ.
46. Fostera simple cross-platform game framework made in C# dotnet core
47. OpenvheadA 3D virtual head control system for VTuber in Unity with smooth motion and robust facial expressions
48. OpenseefaceRobust realtime face and facial landmark tracking on CPU with Unity integration