Webpack Ops📁 webpack bundle visualization // optimization // config tool
HordeThis is the old, deprecated, monolith Horde repository, archived here for historical reasons.
RainbondCloud-native and easy-to-use application management platform | 云原生且易用的应用管理平台
Quick Picture Viewer🖼️ Lightweight, versatile desktop image viewer for Windows. The best replacement for the default Windows photo viewer.
MockoonMockoon is the easiest and quickest way to run mock APIs locally. No remote deployment, no account required, open source.
Swaglyrics For Spotify📃 Get lyrics of currently playing Spotify song so you don't sing along with the wrong ones and embarrass yourself later. Very fast.
Platform ApplicationOroPlatform - business application management system that is a backbone of the OroCRM and OroCommerce.
HapiThe Simple, Secure Framework Developers Trust
UnikraftUnikraft is an automated system for building specialized POSIX-compliant OSes known as unikernels. (Core repository)
PortfusionHaskell-powered cross-platform transport-layer distributed reverse / forward proxy & tunneling solution – currently available for all TCP protocols (RDP, VNC, HTTP(S), SSH, ...).
BeeA framework for IOTA nodes, clients and applications in Rust
Param.macroPartial application syntax and lambda parameters for JavaScript, inspired by Scala's `_` & Kotlin's `it`
WorkoutwotchRepository for my video series on building an iOS app in .NET.
Vue Django Rest AuthAn example project featuring Vue.js and Django Rest Framework using django-rest-auth
Dotzu📱👀 In-App iOS Debugging Tool With Enhanced Logging, Networking Info, Crash reporting And More.
Hiboothiboot is a high performance web and cli application framework with dependency injection support
Flappy Fly Bird🐦 Flappy Bird reincarnation [Swift 5.3, GameplayKit, SpriteKit, iOS 12].
App Dirs RsPut your Rust app's data in the right place on every platform
PowerswitcherPower plan switcher for Windows 10. Heavily inspired by EarTrumpet.
Real Time Ml ProjectA curated list of applied machine learning and data science notebooks and libraries across different industries.
PlatypusCreate native Mac applications from command line scripts.
CorelocationcliCommand line program to print location information from CoreLocation
Pony Stable🐴 A simple dependency manager for the Pony language.
BoopA scriptable scratchpad for developers. In slow yet steady progress.
MadonctlCLI client for the Mastodon social network API
KubevelaThe Modern Application Platform.
Giraffeql🦒 Developer tool to visualize relational databases and export schemas for GraphQL API's.
MaxlockPowerful app locker for Android, with a root and no-root implementation
RpgOnline Role Playing Game (based on Laravel)
Calculatorappscientific calculator basic calculator and unit converter android app
NarrationThe Narration PHP Framework - Empowering everyone to build reliable and loosely coupled web apps.
CorsmeCross Origin Resource Sharing MisConfiguration Scanner
Gerstnerizer💠 pattern generator based on the idea of the book "Forms of Colors"
DesktopGo/HTML/CSS/JS Desktop application scaffold.
All In One👔 Health care application for reminding health-todo lists and making healthy habits every day.
Ds With PysimpleguiData science and Machine Learning GUI programs/ desktop apps with PySimpleGUI package
ContentajsA nodejs server that proxies to Contenta CMS and holds custom code.
TxtA simple, private writing app.
Prevue🎨 All in One Prototyping Tool For Vue Developers.