Top 2029 emacs lisp open source projects

751. anaphora
Anaphoric expressions for Emacs Lisp, providing implicit temporary variables.
752. eim
emacs input method by ywb
754. fancy-dabbrev
Emacs dabbrev-expand with preview and popup menu
755. rcodetools
No description, website, or topics provided.
756. auth-source-xoauth2
A package that adds XOAuth2 capabilities to Emacs' auth-source infrastructure
757. emacs-sourcekit-lsp
Emacs LSP client for SourceKit-LSP (, a Swift/Objective-C/C++ language server created by Apple
758. emacs-w3m
Just a mirror, this is not the official repository of emacs-w3m.
759. go-direx
Tree style source code viewer for Go language
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emacs lisp
760. fontify-face
Fontify symbols representing faces with that face.
764. helm-gitignore
Helm interface for generating .gitignore files
765. el-pocket
el-pocket :: emacs ->
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emacs lisp
766. pydb
Older python debugger (please use python-trepan2 instead)
767. bug-reference-github
Automatically set `bug-reference-url-format' and enable `bug-reference-prog-mode' in Emacs buffers from Github repositories.
771. emacs-hacker-typer
A customizable implementation of in emacs.
772. hugo-search-fuse-js
Hugo theme component for implementing static site search using Fuse.js
773. distinguished-theme
A dark and elegant theme for emacs.
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emacs lisp
774. bigloo
a practical Scheme compiler
775. nano-theme
GNU Emacs / N Λ N O Theme
776. beeminder.el
Submit data to Beeminder from within Emacs. Also integrates with org-mode.
777. cyberpunk-2019
The cyberpunk theme emacs needs, but maybe not the one it deserves...
778. zim-wiki-mode
Zim Wiki mode for emacs -- an extention of dokuwiki mode
779. robot-mode
Emacs for the robot framework
780. org-agda-mode
An Emacs mode for working with Agda code in an Org-mode like fashion, more or less.
781. ivy-pass
ivy interface for pass
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emacs lisp
782. lsp-docker
Scripts and configurations to leverage lsp-mode in docker environment
784. emacs-modules
Dynamic modules for emacs
785. magit-reviewboard
Magit Reviewboard
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emacs lisp
786. Text2App
Create a functional Android app from a given text description of the app.
788. moldable-emacs
Adapting Emacs for moldable development
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emacs lisp
789. emacs-lorem-ipsum
Add lorem ipsum filler text to Emacs
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emacs lisp
790. dotfiles
My dotfiles. They may help you, but they mostly help me 🤔
791. org-outlook.el
org-mode and outlook integration.
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emacs lisp
792. emacs.d
Emacs configuration files
793. quelpa-use-package-bootstrap-config
No description, website, or topics provided.
794. spacemacs module for doom
Aim to port spacemacs features (defaults keybinding, transient state, layers and more) to doom, and provides a spacemacs module for doom.
795. biblio.el
Browse and import bibliographic references from CrossRef, DBLP, HAL, arXiv, Dissemin, and from Emacs
796. love-minor-mode
An Emacs minor mode for LÖVE
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emacs lisp
797. le emacs libs
grab bag of tools
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emacs lisp
798. emacs-counsel-tramp
Tramp ivy interface for ssh and docker and ‎vagrant
800. emacs-zmq
Emacs bindings to ØMQ
751-800 of 2029 emacs lisp projects