Top 375 GDScript open source projects

201. godot-bordered-polygon-2d
Polygon2D with textured borders
✭ 46
202. lighthouse-keeper
Arcade-inspired defensive shooter & ludum Dare 46 compo submission
203. Astrid-The-Meow-Night-Shadow
Two buttons runner game made in Godot 2.1.2
✭ 19
204. GodotMation
An implementation of machinations framework in Godot Engine
✭ 28
208. NbGodotBoilerplate
This is a simple kickstarter project for NimbleBeasts projects. It comes with some standard features and little helpers as well as a some stuff, no one has time for in a game jam.
209. Godot360
360 degree rendering with various projections in Godot
210. godot-midi-input-example
Example of MIDI Input handling (e.g keyboard/controller) for the Godot game engine.
211. godot-xr-tools
Support scenes for AR and VR in Godot
✭ 180
212. veraball
A free/libre "roll the ball" game made using Godot Engine
✭ 41
213. TheFallingBlocksExperience
Game about falling blocks
✭ 26
214. godot-sprite-slicing
Godot asset to slice 2D sprites
✭ 61
215. godot debug draw
Debug drawing utility for Godot Engine
✭ 64
216. A-Key-s-Path
A short puzzle-platformer game made with Godot, running on GLES 2.0.
217. godot-procedural-maze
A simple procedural maze for 3d games using Godot Engine
✭ 54
218. Trokara
A modular package for developing terrestrial characters
✭ 45
219. godot-trackball-camera
A short Godot addon that adds a TrackballCamera node without gimbal lock.
220. ringed
2D Topdown Shooter Godot Game
221. EffekseerForGodot3
No description, website, or topics provided.
223. Godot-Common-Game-Framework
A set of useful nodes to use in Godot projects that facilitate implementing features like split-screen, async scene loading and caching materials.
✭ 105
224. ZHSAN3
226. damage lab
Example player damage and projectile/ailments project made using Godot!
✭ 47
227. debugconsole
A general-purpose debug console for the Godot Engine.
228. platshoot
Platshoot, a free/libre 2D side-scroller shooter game
229. godot-multiplayer
A template for a real time multiplayer game in Godot with a NodeJS server
230. godot-chip8-emulator
A CHIP-8 emulator made with Godot, written in GDScript.
231. RTS-Camera2D
A RTS style Camera addon to Godot Engine
232. gebs
A bullet spawner/pool and visual helper made in GDscript.
233. FreeRoamRoguelikeRacerPrototype
A 3D free roam racer in a procedurally generated map
234. examples
Learn how to use @gd-com/utils
Try out GDScript without installing Godot
236. godot-admob-editor
This repository is for Godot's Addons to integrate natively AdMob to your Game Project without much configurations, with a beautiful UI and directly inside Godot Editor!
238. CellForest
A cellular-automaton forest simulation set to live data-driven music.
239. autotile
Addon for Godot Engine. Adds support for RPG Maker's Autotile tilesets.
✭ 28
240. goltorus
Game of Life on the surface of a torus.
241. godot 2d navmesh generator
Godot plugin that generates a 2D navigation mesh from collsion nodes.
242. godot-experiments
No description, website, or topics provided.
243. godot-2d-visual-novel
A Visual Novel demo made with the Godot game engine
✭ 77
244. GodotGPS
Google Play Service for Godot engine
245. Simple-Q3-Controller
FPS character controller for Godot
✭ 23
248. GodotProjects
Random projects made in Godot 2 and Godot 3
250. FruitControl
FruitControl - Frontend for libimobiledevice
201-250 of 375 GDScript projects