Top 282 Logos open source projects

201. CCCalc
An iOS jailbreak tweak that turns your control center calculator module into a real, working calculator
202. Spectrum
Audio visualization implementation on GPU
203. jbsetup
A setup UI to change the root and mobile password on iOS after jailbreaking.
204. TypeChef
Type checking ifdef variability
205. Dim
Dim your iPhone screen below minimum brightness
206. json translate
No description, website, or topics provided.
✭ 107
207. ReplayKitEverywhere
Record app screen, everywhere, with the convenience of ReplayKit
208. blue-pill-quickstart
Quickstart a Rust project for the blue pill board
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209. turbo-sprockets-rails4
Speed up asset precompliation by compiling assets in parallel.
210. Appellancy
Facial Recognition for iOS
211. classRTDump
Runtime (Partial,yet)Replacement for class-dump
212. SwipeShiftCaret
Caret micromanager shift the caret via swipe.
213. tsgctf2020
Everything about TSG CTF 2020
214. validationgroup
Plugin to add conditional validation to Rails based on validation groups that can be enabled / disabled
✭ 30
215. Intro-Design-Patterns-Cpp-Qt5
Porting the source code from the book "An Introduction to Design Patterns in C++ with Qt" by Alan & Paul Ezust from Qt 4 to Qt 5, and a bit of C++11.
216. FavoriteTweaks
Put your favourites tweaks in one place.
217. QuickQR
It brings the 'quick' back into 'quick response'!
218. Iris
Put the sparkle back in 'i'Message! — written in Swift, Objective-C + Logos.
219. rusen
Ruby Simple Exception Notification
220. Dune
A free, open-source, iOS 13-like dark mode for iOS 11 and 12
221. nfcunblock
Unblock the NFC automation in Shortcuts app for old iPhones
223. smartCar
224. language-rust
Parser and pretty-printer for the Rust language
225. CentOS-DXF
No description, website, or topics provided.
226. MobileShadowSocks
Shadowsocks Client for Jailbroken iOS Devices
228. Cylinder-Reborn
A reborn version of Cylinder for iOS 11 and up
229. trustflight firmware
A multirotor flight controller firmware you can trust!
230. KittyMemory
This library aims for runtime code patching for both Android and iOS
231. TI-CC2650
Controlling the Texas Instruments SensorTag (CC2650) from anywhere in the world
232. SleepyAlarm
⏰ Smarter & healthier Alarms, automatically
233. VideoDownloaderCN
iOS越狱插件 App内短视频下载
235. Wallmart
Change the wallpaper when you lock your device.
236. HSWidgets
Add options to display widgets right on your homescreen.
237. Bloard
Black Keyboard tweak for iOS. (7 -> 10)
238. emojimmy
[Deprecated] Emojimmy makes it possible to store emoji characters in ActiveRecord datastores that don’t support 4-Byte UTF-8 Unicode (utf8mb4) encoding.
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239. CCLoader
Developer utility for loading custom plugins into Control Center on iOS 7 and higher.
241. arm-cortex a15-linux-gnueabihf-linaro 4.9
Linaro GCC 4.9 Toolchain optimized for Cortex-A15 cpu
243. gramado241
Backup for Gramado Build 241 - (32bit)
244. CSwitcher
Add the app switcher to the control center
245. mobs
Mobs for Minetest
✭ 37
246. HookPtrace
反调试:iOS应用加入Ptrace检测,防止白盒测试、逆向工程对源代码进行调试。反反调试:Hook ptrace进行调试。
247. aMazing
a maze game.
✭ 28
248. Toolchain
No description, website, or topics provided.
249. Ultrasound
A new take on the iOS volume HUD.
201-250 of 282 Logos projects