Top 273 Nginx open source projects

51. vanilla-dockerized
A Dockerized single-node Vanilla Forums setup ready for take-off
✭ 12
53. nginx-mod-am
OpenAM Policy Agent for NGINX
55. ShadowShorten
No description, website, or topics provided.
56. pgdevbox
postgresql dev box - a simple way to get pg working locally
57. CoreOS-GettingStarted
Sample Application for Pluralsight course on "Getting Started with CoreOS"
58. mup-frontend-server
Frontend Server for Meteor Up
✭ 37
59. docker-drupal-nginx
No description, website, or topics provided.
✭ 12
60. docker example
Companion code to Docker articles on my blog
61. node-docker-compose
A production oriented dockerized node.js/express.js app
63. intercity-classic
Simple web control panel for hosting Rails apps.
64. openresty-survey
OpenResty Web App for OpenResty User Survey
66. django-startproject
No longer maintained. Instead, try, which uses Vagrant + Ansible to automate a lot more things.
67. eshop
No description, website, or topics provided.
68. ispconfig install
Installation of ubuntu platform, dovecot, squirrelmail, nginx for ispconfig
✭ 17
69. tinypay
No description, website, or topics provided.
70. lua-resty-mvc
You don't need that complicated MVC framework
71. virtual-vehicles-docker
Repository for files related to containerizing Virtual-Vehicles project, using Docker. See blog post below for project details.
✭ 48
72. simple-prepaid-card
Simplified model of a prepaid card. The card holds a balance in GBP and customers can make transactions in GBP.
73. bfs-image-server
No description, website, or topics provided.
74. docker
Docker deployment for Openchain
✭ 24
[DEPRECATED] Website repository for the Node.js project
76. gitlist-docker
A ready to use docker image with preinstalled gitlist.
✭ 20
77. learn-ansible
Demystify server configuration and application deployments using the IT automation tool Ansible.
78. gotcha
API Benchmark Tool
79. capistrano3-ubuntu-server-prepare
A Capistrano (v3) task for automated Ubuntu server configuration (Installing Nginx, Postgre, Redis, RVM and many others)
✭ 26
80. docker php nginx mysql redis memcached
No description, website, or topics provided.
82. dockerfile
No description, website, or topics provided.
✭ 15
83. lightning
服务收集app web h5 埋点信息,openresty 接受,推送到kafka
84. vagrant-python-machine
Virtual Machine for Development With Python
✭ 27
85. lua-paxos
classic paxos implementation in lua
87. flask-uwsgi-tensorflow
Example of serving a TensorFlow model with Flask and UWSGI
88. vagrant-wordpress
Simple Vagrant setup for WordPress
89. bowline
It ties your Docker images to a build process... with a bowline knot
90. vulnpress
A Wordpress Exploitation Toolkit
91. appengine-jenkins
No description, website, or topics provided.
✭ 35
92. ltnmp
94. DockerWordPress
No description, website, or topics provided.
95. docker-web-stack
A Docker Compose-powered stack to get your PHP project running in no time.
96. docker-cloud-nginx-load-balancing
Dynamic Nginx Load Balancing for Docker Cloud
97. wp-server-config
Configurations of various applications (e.g. apache, varnish, etc.) on the server powering my wordpress site(s).
98. PHP-carbon-forum
99. docker-koel
✭ 29
100. hub
DEPRECATED: Documentation hub for the 18F team
51-100 of 273 Nginx projects