LapisA web framework for Lua and OpenResty written in MoonScript
Dice前后端分离Blog系统,采用Nuxt、Vue 2.x 和 SpringBoot 全家桶。
LnmpLEMP stack/LAMP stack/LNMP stack installation scripts for CentOS/Redhat Debian and Ubuntu
OrangeOpenResty/Nginx Gateway for API Monitoring and Management.
Lua Resty ReplInteractive console (REPL) for Openresty and luajit code
Upyun RestyUPYUN's open source software for OpenResty development
Ngx OauthOAuth 2.0 proxy for nginx written in Lua.
Lua Resty Auto SslOn the fly (and free) SSL registration and renewal inside OpenResty/nginx with Let's Encrypt.
Subzero Starter KitStarter Kit and tooling for authoring GraphQL/REST API backends with subZero
Motan OpenrestyA cross-language RPC framework for rapid development of high performance distributed services based on OpenResty.
Lua Resty HttpLua HTTP client cosocket driver for OpenResty / ngx_lua.
NgrA high-performance & enterprise-class edge gateway middleware
Lua Resty RouteURL Routing Library for OpenResty Supporting Pluggable Matching Engines
Lua Io Nginx Module"Non-Blocking" Lua Disk I/O APIs for OpenResty - Powered by Nginx's Thread Pool
Lua Libcidr FfiLuaJIT FFI bindings to libcidr. Provides CIDR calculations for IPv4 and IPv6.
VanillaAn OpenResty Lua MVC Web Framework
Lua Resty CtxdumpStash and apply the old ngx.ctx for avoiding being destoried after Nginx internal redirect happens.
Rcluster.lua lua redis client driver that support redis cluster
Lora fast, minimalist web framework for lua based on OpenResty
OpenwafWeb security protection system based on openresty
Meetup【❤️ 互联网最全大厂技术分享PPT 👍🏻 持续更新中!】🍻各大技术交流会、活动资料汇总 ,如 👉QCon👉全球运维技术大会 👉 GDG 👉 全球技术领导力峰会👉大前端大会👉架构师峰会👉敏捷开发DevOps👉OpenResty👉Elastic,欢迎 PR / Issues
Iptv一键安装管理 FFmpeg / nginx / openresty / xray / v2ray / armbian / proxmox / cloudflare partner,workers / ibm cloud foundry 脚本
Micro AuthA microservice that makes adding authentication with Google and Github to your application easy.
LedgeAn RFC compliant and ESI capable HTTP cache for Nginx / OpenResty, backed by Redis
ProxygatewayProxy Gateway基于openresty(nginx lua module)开发,可以作为接口网关(api gateway)使用,整合业务模块接口,微服务治理聚合,通过web配置界面,能够轻松进行代理配置管理,支持负载均衡,服务器状态检测等
ApioakFull Lifecycle Management API Gateway.
Docker Nginx Auto SslDocker image for automatic generation of SSL certs using Let's encrypt and Open Resty
Multistreamer[discontinued] A webapp for publishing video to multiple streaming services at once.
PgmoonA pure Lua Postgres driver for use in OpenResty & more
DproxyMassive Distributed Dynamic Proxy