All Programming Languages → Propeller Spin

Top 14 Propeller Spin open source projects

1. aiida-vasp
A plugin to AiiDA for running simulations with VASP
2. OpenWest2015
OpenWest 2015 Badge and Add-On Kit
4. Spin-Hexagon
Port of Super Hexagon to the Parallax Propeller
5. PropLoader
Parallax Propeller loader supporting both serial and wifi downloads
6. Edison-Takes-Flight
Use Intel(R) Edison to build an extensible drone platform on top of an existing low level flight controller
7. spin2cpp
Tool to convert Parallax Propeller Spin code to PASM, C++ or C
8. retroii
Retro ][ is a 6502 based computer based off of the Apple ][.
A LED RGB dotmatrix controller for real and virtual pinball machines
10. Simple-Libraries
Contents of the SimpleIDE workspace folder and its Parallax Learn Simple Libraries subfolder.
11. Spartan-Mini-NES
An FPGA based handheld NES system built around the Spartan 6 and the Spartan Mini development board.
12. Propeddle
Software-Defined 6502 Computer
13. flipsyfat
FPGA-based emulator to assist with guessing bootloader SD card filenames
14. navi-misc
Historical repository of projects 2003—2011
1-14 of 14 Propeller Spin projects