All Programming Languages → Protocol Buffer

Top 295 Protocol Buffer open source projects

251. sqat
Check and analyse your Java code
252. fabric-api
Read-only historic repo. Current development is at . pull requests not accepted
253. PokemonGoBot-Manager
A manager for pokemon go bot - - to have multiple accounts with ease
254. libaxolotl-javascript
A JavaScript implementation of axolotl. Axolotl is a ratcheting forward secrecy protocol.
255. protocol
Pokemon Go's Protobuf Protocol
257. Paymetheus
Bitcoin Wallet for Windows
258. ora
Bloq Ora multi-blockchain smart contract compute oracle and validation engine
259. ArnoldSimulator
A scalable actor-model framework for developing AI systems with dynamic topologies.
260. fast ts
Fast TS is a fast Time Series Event Stream Processor
261. grfuse
Remote filesystem based on grpc and fuse
262. caffe neural tool
A C++ interface for the caffe library
263. parsey-mcparseface-api
Serve the Parsey McParseface API using TF Serving infrastructure
264. cl-rethinkdb
RethinkDB driver for Common Lisp
265. aerospike-scala
Typesafe DSL for work with Aerospike Database
266. android-migrate-to-jobs
Removing dependencies on background services
267. ndsb
Kaggle NDSB competition with deep learning
268. learn-reflectance
No description, website, or topics provided.
269. perforated-cnn-caffe
No description, website, or topics provided.
270. go-thumbnail
271. roachjs
Node.js driver for cockroachdb.
272. kaldi-nnettf
Kaldi code for doing DNN with tensorflow
273. Removing Rain
Removing Rain from Single Images via a Deep Detail Network
274. mobility-rpc
Add Code Mobility to any application
275. Real-Time-Object-Detection
A Low Latency Real-Time Object Detection App using your Webcam. Built using TensorFlow and OpenCV.
276. deeplab-public-ver2
This repo was mirrored from here:
277. 2015
Slides and sources from LambdaCon 2015 edition.
278. reconstructme-qt
ReconstructMe Qt UserInterface - Reference Implementation
279. oci-torrent
A tool to distribute OCI image with bittorrent
280. liblogcabin
An attempt to split the Raft library out of LogCabin
282. grpc-kotlin-test
Testing: simple grpc server/client written in kotlin, protobuf generated java files, gradle multiproject, IDEA CE
283. gredis
Redis server built over grpc
A C++ neural network libray for sequences mainly, focusing on Long Short-term Memory (LSTM) and Restricted Boltsmann Machine (RBM) Layers.
285. terraformctl
Running Terraform in Kubernetes as a controller
288. Proto2TypeScript
Generate TypeScript definitions from a Protocol Buffers model
289. caffe-recon-dec
Caffe for "Augmenting Supervised Neural Networks with Unsupervised Objectives for Large-scale Image Classification"
290. kadiyadb
KadiraDB is a low level database for storing time series data
292. nepomuk
A public transit router for GTFS feeds (currently only static) written in modern c++
293. application-development-using-boltdb
Repository for my "Application Development Using BoltDB" talk
294. DsbyLiteExample
No description, website, or topics provided.
295. caffe
add CTCLoss, CTCDecoder, Transpose and ProposalLayer (CPU and GPU version)
251-295 of 295 Protocol Buffer projects