Top 31 AspectJ open source projects

2. Zalenium
A flexible and scalable container based Selenium Grid with video recording, live preview, basic auth & dashboard.
3. Tlaplus
TLC is an explicit state model checker for specifications written in TLA+. The TLA+Toolbox is an IDE for TLA+.
5. dresdenocl
Dresden OCL provides a set of tools to parse and evaluate OCL constraints on various models like UML, EMF and Java. Furthermore Dresden OCL provides tools for Java/AspectJ and SQL code generation.
6. dummyjdbc
dummyjdbc answers database requests with dummy data to be independent of an existing database.
7. redmine-mylyn-plugin
Eclipse Mylyn integration for Redmine ( Eclipse Connector Plugin )
8. springframework-source-5.1.x
9. aspectj-maven-plugin
10. circuit-breaker
An implementation of the Circuit Breaker stability design pattern using AOP
11. echo
Activator trace instrumentation
12. spring-framework-issues
User-contributed projects reproducing issues logged against Spring Framework GitHub issues. Note: this is not the Spring Framework issue tracker -->
13. devcenter-spring-mvc-hibernate
No description, website, or topics provided.
14. android-aop-analytics
Demo application that implements Google Analytics tracking in an aspect-oriented way using AspectJ.
15. tracing-framework
Projects related to end-to-end tracing and causal metadata propagation, such as X-Trace, Retro, and Pivot Tracing
16. metrics-aspectj
AspectJ integration for Dropwizard Metrics
17. roostrap
Roostrap is a proven rapid application framework compilation built by putting together Spring Roo, Twitter Bootstrap and Google AppEngine libraries that allows developers to build and deploy high performance gorgeous cloud based Java applications in minutes!
18. ezScrum
An open source project management tool for scrum
20. Art-Gallery-Management-System
An online Art Gallery Management System in Java (JSP, JDBC) and using MySQL database
21. mds
The DataCite Metadata Store (MDS)
22. spring-3.2-note
对Spring 3.2的所有代码进行注释,与君共勉
23. segmentations
Tools for web page segmentation. In development
24. objectfabric
Versioning for Web Resources
25. website
Paperight was a project to turn copy-shops into print-on-demand bookstores. This is the code for its website: a library for buying and selling printing licenses between publishers and copy shops.
26. plexus-compiler
Plexus compiler a layer on top of compilers and used by maven-compiler-plugin
27. spring-road
【Spring江湖路】持续更新中 !!! 一个 Java 程序员必备 Spring 学习资源库。Java 程序员必备,包含 Web应用快速开发、源码实战、Spring Cloud、响应式编程、事件驱动、批处理等 Spring 全家桶技术知识点。
28. Reconciliation-and-Matching-Framework
A framework to allow the matching of string entities using customised sets of transformations and matchers, plus a tool to produce the necessary configurations and another to expose them as OpenRefine reconciliation services.
29. robotframework-selenium2library-java
Java port of the Selenium 2 (WebDriver) Python library for Robot Framework
31. CompendiumNG
CompendiumNG is continuation of the original Compendium project. It is based on version 2.0.1-beta of Compendium project.
1-31 of 31 AspectJ projects