WatermillBuilding event-driven applications the easy way in Go.
DntframeworkcoreLightweight and Extensible Infrastructure for Building Web Applications - Web Application Framework
PosSample Application DDD, Reactive Microservices, CQRS Event Sourcing Powered by DERMAYON LIBRARY
QmqQMQ是去哪儿网内部广泛使用的消息中间件,自2012年诞生以来在去哪儿网所有业务场景中广泛的应用,包括跟交易息息相关的订单场景; 也包括报价搜索等高吞吐量场景。
PThe P programming language.
Space CloudOpen source Firebase + Heroku to develop, scale and secure serverless apps on Kubernetes
LibuevLightweight event loop library for Linux epoll() family APIs
Event Sourcing Microservices ExampleLearn about building microservices with event sourcing using Spring Boot and how to deploy a social network to Kubernetes using Docker Compose or Helm.
Newbe.claptrapThis is a frameworks with reactive, event sourcing and Actor pattern as basic theories. On top of this, developers can create "distributed", "scale out", and "easy to test" application more simply. Claptrap and it`s Minions is on the way.
ReleEasy to use Google Pub/Sub
Event Sourcing JamboAn Hexagonal Architecture with DDD + Aggregates + Event Sourcing using .NET Core, Kafka e MongoDB (Blog Engine)
NoelA universal, human-centric, replayable javascript event emitter.
DaprDapr is a portable, event-driven, runtime for building distributed applications across cloud and edge.
LibwireUser space threading (aka coroutines) library for C resembling GoLang and goroutines
GoesGo Event Sourcing made easy
AtmoBuild function-based web services using your favourite languages, powered by WebAssembly
Eventflow.exampleDDD+CQRS+Event-sourcing examples using EventFlow following CQRS-ES architecture. It is configured with RabbitMQ, MongoDB(Snapshot store), PostgreSQL(Read store), EventStore(GES). It's targeted to .Net Core 2.2 and include docker compose file.
Fluentmediator🔀 FluentMediator is an unobtrusive library that allows developers to build custom pipelines for Commands, Queries and Events.
Event GatewayReact to any event with serverless functions across clouds
QpcppQP/C++ real-time embedded framework/RTOS for embedded systems based on active objects (actors) and hierarchical state machines
Aws Serverless Event Fork PipelinesAWS Event Fork Pipelines helps you build event-driven serverless applications by providing pipelines for common event-handling requirements, such as event backup, analytics, and replay. The pipelines are based on AWS SAM, and can be deployed directly from AWS SAR into your AWS account.
Across TabsEasy communication between cross-origin browser tabs. Simplified "CORS"ing!
VertexVertex is a distributed, ultimately consistent, event traceable cross platform framework based on Orleans, which is used to build high-performance, high throughput, low latency, scalable distributed applications
NeventliteNEventLite - An extensible lightweight library for .NET that manages the Aggregate lifecycle in an Event Sourced system. Supports Event and Snapshot storage providers like EventStore/Redis or SQL Server. Built with dependency injection in mind and seamlessly integrates with AspNetCore.
Dotnet Istanbul Microservices DemoThis is the demo application that i created for my talk 'Microservice Architecture & Implementation with Asp.Net Core' at Dotnet İstanbul Meetup Group.
QpnQP-nano real-time embedded framework/RTOS for embedded systems based on active objects (actors) and hierarchical state machines
ParapetA purely functional library to build distributed and event-driven systems
EveAn extensible event-driven application framework in haskell
Rails DiscoDistributed Rails with commands, events and projections.
Toast Haste.frameworkTOAST Haste framework is a pure java implementation of asynchronous game server framework
WorkermanAn asynchronous event driven PHP socket framework. Supports HTTP, Websocket, SSL and other custom protocols. PHP>=5.3.
Microservice PatternsCode to share the knowledge I gained while designing and implementing micro services
RabbusA tiny wrapper over amqp exchanges and queues 🚌 ✨
Message DbMicroservice native message and event store for Postgres
Resugansimple, powerful and unobstrusive event driven architecture framework for ruby
GowebsocketGorilla websockets based simplified websocket-client implementation in GO.
Event Sourcing CastanhaAn Event Sourcing service template with DDD, TDD and SOLID. It has High Cohesion and Loose Coupling, it's a good start for your next Microservice application.
CollieAn asynchronous event-driven network framework( port netty ) written in D.
ApprunAppRun is a JavaScript library for developing high-performance and reliable web applications using the elm inspired architecture, events and components.
Gev🚀Gev is a lightweight, fast non-blocking TCP network library based on Reactor mode. Support custom protocols to quickly and easily build high-performance servers.
JsincssA JS-in-CSS stylesheet loader
Node.pasAsynchronous Event-driven server programming for EMB Delphi, powered by libuv.
Asombroso DddUna lista cuidadosamente curada de recursos sobre Domain Driven Design, Eventos, Event Sourcing, Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS).
EventingOpen source specification and implementation of Knative event binding and delivery
FoxofficeSample application demonstrating how to build a distributed cloud .NET Core application based on CQRS and Event Sourcing.
JesJava Event Store implementation
ZeusA high performance, cross-platform Internet Communication Engine. Developed with native socket API. Aim at handling millions of concurrent connections.
MbassadorPowerful event-bus optimized for high throughput in multi-threaded applications. Features: Sync and Async event publication, weak/strong references, event filtering, annotation driven
RemitRabbitMQ-backed microservices supporting RPC, pubsub, automatic service discovery and scaling with no code changes.