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Top 158 domain-driven-design open source projects
Open-source tool to enforce privacy & security best-practices on Windows and macOS, because privacy is sexy 🍑🍆
Run Aspnetcore
A starter kit for your next ASP.NET Core web application. Boilerplate for ASP.NET Core reference application, demonstrating a layered application architecture with applying Clean Architecture and DDD best practices. Download 100+ page eBook PDF from here ->
Extended code samples related to the book "Domain Modeling Made Functional". Buy the book here: or here
This is a project of a library, driven by real business requirements. We use techniques strongly connected with Domain Driven Design, Behavior-Driven Development, Event Storming, User Story Mapping.
Flutter Architecture Ddd
Flutter Architecture inspired by Domain Driven Design, Onion and Clean Architecture
Apworks Core
Apworks framework supporting .NET Core
Reusable domain layers. Shipped with industry standard infrastructure.
A MessageBus (CommandBus, EventBus and QueryBus) implementation in PHP7
Clean Boilerplate of Go, Domain-Driven Design, Clean Architecture, Gin and GORM.
Domain Driven Design oriented application framework, meets CRUD needs
Event Sourcing Jambo
An Hexagonal Architecture with DDD + Aggregates + Event Sourcing using .NET Core, Kafka e MongoDB (Blog Engine)
项目使用.net 4.6.1+angular 1.6.3
Jstarcraft Core
目标是提供一个通用的Java核心编程框架,作为搭建其它框架或者项目的基础. 让相关领域的研发人员能够专注高层设计而不用关注底层实现. 涵盖了缓存,存储,编解码,资源,脚本,监控,通讯,事件,事务9个方面.
Magic Microservices
Write components in any way, use them everywhere.😘
NodaMoney provides a library that treats Money as a first class citizen and handles all the ugly bits like currencies and formatting.
Liquid Projections supports building and maintaining autonomous .NET projection code in an Event Sourcing architecture.
Domain Driven Design (DDD) N-LayeredArchitecture with .Net Core 2
Todomvc Ddd Cqrs Eventsourcing
Implementation of basic Todo app via tastejs/todomvc in C#/Typescript with eventsourcing, cqrs, and domain driven design
DDD+CQRS+Event-sourcing examples using EventFlow following CQRS-ES architecture. It is configured with RabbitMQ, MongoDB(Snapshot store), PostgreSQL(Read store), EventStore(GES). It's targeted to .Net Core 2.2 and include docker compose file.
Symfony4 Ddd
Bootstrap Application for Symfony 4 with Domain Driven Design
Fork of dotnet-architecture/eShopOnContainers in full DDD/CQRS design using my own patterns
Java Ddd Example
☕🎯 Hexagonal Architecture + DDD + CQRS in a Java project using SpringBoot
NEventLite - An extensible lightweight library for .NET that manages the Aggregate lifecycle in an Event Sourced system. Supports Event and Snapshot storage providers like EventStore/Redis or SQL Server. Built with dependency injection in mind and seamlessly integrates with AspNetCore.
Aggregate Design Canvas
A structured approach to designing and documenting Aggregates
This is the stable release of Dolittle till its out of alpha->beta stages
Showcasing how the Polysemy library can be used to implement a REST application conforming to the guidelines of the Clean Architecture model.
Study Path
An organized learning path about Clean Code, Test-Driven Development, Legacy Code, Refactoring, Domain-Driven Design and Microservice Architecture
An example of how to implement various clean coding & architecture techniques. Technologies used: .Net Core, Razor Pages, EF Core, Bootstrap 4
The project demonstrates how you can develop applications with Jakarta EE using widely adopted architectural best practices like Domain-Driven Design (DDD).
Context Mapper Dsl
ContextMapper DSL: A Domain-specific Language for Context Mapping & Service Decomposition
Productcontext Eventsourcing
A practical/experimental Event Sourcing application on Product Bounded Context in an e-commerce
TypeScript library for implementing Domain-Driven Design in web apps
Typescript Event Sourcing
Domain Driven Design, Event Sourcing & Command Query Responsibility Segregation with Typescript
CQRS implementation in .NET Core with MediaTR tutorial
Complete catalog of all classical patterns in the Archimate language
Event Sourcing Castanha
An Event Sourcing service template with DDD, TDD and SOLID. It has High Cohesion and Loose Coupling, it's a good start for your next Microservice application.
Stepping - a tools for code design, event storming, domain model generate.
Ddd Embeddables
A collection of reusable value objects written in PHP and targeting versions 5.6 and above.
GameComposer is a game authoring tool and also a game runtime environment targeting at desktop and mobile devices.
1-60 of 158 domain-driven-design projects