Top 219 reason open source projects

151. twentyfive-stars
(On-Hold until they fix Context) GraphQL server written in Rust.
154. ppx-examples
PPX Examples written in ReasonML and Ppxlib
155. bs-react-testing-library
BuckleScript bindings for react-testing-library.
156. reason-conf-2019
The ReasonML conference for web developers & OCaml enthusiasts
Interactive chart of COVID-19 cases per location
158. bs-rx
BuckleScript bindings for rxjs v7
159. hello-ppx-esy
A simple example of a ppx with Reason and esy
160. bs-aws-lambda
aws lambda bucklescript bindings
161. reperf
Native reason + JSOO performance benchmarking tools
✭ 19
162. Reason-react-hooks
🧶 Some hooks in ReasonML for reason-react that can be useful
163. bs-graphql-js
Bucklescript bindings for
✭ 24
Front end for the Carpool Vote website. Support every American's right to vote!
165. re-optic
An optic library for ReScript (OCaml and ReasonML)
166. blog-code-examples
Home to code examples for my blog and YouTube channel
167. techbookfest6
技術書店6で出版したCommon Lisp本
168. engine
Sketch's evaluating engine compiled to Javascript with js_of_ocaml
171. rooting-book-1
エンジニアの登壇を応援する本 #1
172. sonos-wejay
Slack integration for a local Sonos system
173. the-little-ocamler
The examples from "The Little MLer" in OCaml and ReasonML
174. remachine
[WIP] Reason pattern matching viz
175. bs-dynamic-import
📦🚀 BuckleScript dynamic import interop on JavaScript environment
176. reason-react-lazy-loading
Example project to show how to use components lazy loading in ReasonReact
177. react-rules-of-hooks-ppx
This ppx validates the rules of React hooks.
178. reductive-observable
Minimal port of to reason reductive
180. rekernel
A minimal setup for writing Unikernels in ReasonML
181. re-cite
Manage citations from your colleagues , friends, movies, your cat or even yourself.
Bindings to
183. bs-date-fns
No description, website, or topics provided.
✭ 32
185. rembrandt
Simple UI framework written in Reasonml.
186. reason-i18n-extractor
Extract translations from your ReasonML codebase
187. react-react
Integrating ReasonReact with Erratique's React!
188. bs-decode
Type-safe JSON decoding for ReasonML and OCaml
190. jsoo-react
js_of_ocaml bindings for ReactJS. Based on ReasonReact.
191. bs-axios
Bucklescript bindings for axios
193. ocaml-tree-sitter-core
OCaml code generator and runtime library for handling typed tree-sitter CSTs
194. re-typescript
An opinionated attempt at finally solving typescript interop for ReasonML / OCaml.
195. practical-reason-react
Collection of mini-projects on practical aspects of reason-react
196. reason-skia
Reason bindings for the skia 2D graphics library
197. reason-standard
An easy-to-use, comprehensive, and safe standard library enhancement for Reason and OCaml.
200. bs-moment
BuckleScript bindings for Moment.js
151-200 of 219 reason projects