Top 86 ReScript open source projects

1. Awtk
AWTK = Toolkit AnyWhere(为嵌入式、手机和PC打造的通用GUI系统)
2. reason-nact
let reason-nact = (node.js, reason, actors) ⇒ your µ services have never been so typed
3. ExplainaBoard
An Explainable Leaderboard for NLP
8. rescript-urql
ReScript bindings for Formidable's Universal React Query Library, urql.
11. C4D MMD Tool
A plugin for Cinema 4D written in C++ is used to import MikuMikuDance data into Cinema 4D.
12. signify
Module to generate and verify PE signatures
13. rescript-logger
Logging implementation for ReScript
14. rescript-polished
Bindings for polished, a lightweight toolset for writing styles in JavaScript, now in ReScript ✨.
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16. hlulsl
HL!UL!SL - Half-Life: Uplink for Steam
17. rescript-asyncdata
A ReScript variant type to represent async data
18. re-schema-form
20. m0rehud
Competitive based hud originally made by m0re!
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21. jzon
ReScript library to encode and decode JSON data with type safety.
22. rescript-pages
A static website generator
23. re-uno
Project using rescript to create the UNO card game
25. hexhud
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26. ts-belt
🔧 Fast, modern, and practical utility library for FP in TypeScript.
27. perfume
A Programming language perfume. And text editor Pmacs writen by Perfume.
28. reshowcase
A tool to create demos for your ReScript React components
30. rescript-jest
ReScript bindings for Jest
33. rescript-hash
Secure Hash Algorithms for ReasonML
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35. neo
Making dead games, part II. See the file CONTRIBUTING for general info on project ☕
36. rescript-pulo
⚡️ [] with ReScript, React, Recoil, and Chakra
37. MPSolve
Multiprecision Polynomial Solver
39. rescript-react-intl
ReScript bindings to react-intl
40. BugfixedHL-Rebased
Bugfixed and improved Half-Life
41. rescript-test
A lightweight test framework for ReScript
42. rescript-react-demo
A demo to show ReScript with React under 1K
48. rescript-zora
Lightning-fast testing for a lightning-fast compiler
49. scripts r5
No description, website, or topics provided.
50. re-optic
An optic library for ReScript (OCaml and ReasonML)
1-50 of 86 ReScript projects