Top 219 reason open source projects

102. Learn Reasonml Workshop
Learn ReasonML with 24 exercises. No prior functional programming knowledge required.
104. Milewski Ctfp Pdf
Bartosz Milewski's 'Category Theory for Programmers' unofficial PDF and LaTeX source
108. reason-nact
let reason-nact = (node.js, reason, actors) ⇒ your µ services have never been so typed
110. revery-graphql-hooks
A library for easy handling of GraphQL with hooks for Revery
111. expo-reason-starter
This project allows you to quickly get started with building mobile apps in ReasonML/ReScript
112. re-formality
Form validation tool for reason-react
113. respect
RSpec inspired test framework for Reason/OCaml/Bucklescript.
My Personal Website: Click it --->>>
116. bs-promise-monad
Monadic syntax to work with promise in ReasonML
117. ReasonML-Quick-Guide
A single-file guide to ReasonML.
118. credt
CRDT-like data structures for building distributed, offline-first applications
121. relude-reason-react
Relude-based utilities for ReasonReact
✭ 54
123. bs-react-is-visible
A small library that lets you know whether a component is visible on screen or not.
124. bs-react-reveal
ReasonML bindings for
✭ 12
125. vscode-merlin
126. naboris
Simple, fast, minimalist http server for OCaml/ReasonML
127. bs-getenv
ReasonML/BuckleScript PPX for embedding env variables
128. bucklescript-monorepo
Example of a BuckleScript monorepo setup
129. reason-nodejs
Node bindings for Reason and Bucklescript
131. re-schema-form
132. relude-random
Composable random generators based on the PCG paper
133. reason-markdown
VFMD (Vanilla-Flavoured Markdown) parser for Reason
134. reason-hooks-lib
A set of reusable ReasonReact hooks.
135. chess-tea
A chess app written in Reason ♟️♟️♟️
(WIP) kayn-powered (typescript node.js) ReasonReact app presenting you a dashboard of high ELO one trick ponies in League of Legends
137. bread
Data Structures and Algorithms designed for Reason 🍞🥖🥐
✭ 23
138. ppx implicits
No description, website, or topics provided.
139. tibooks-maker
tibooks-maker is customized Re:VIEW-platform for Think IT Books
140. re-blossom
A Reason implementation of the blossom maximum-matching algorithm
141. refana
Define Grafana dashboards with ReasonML
142. graphql-codegen-reason
A GraphQL Codegen plugin to generate ReasonML types
143. sms-reason
No description, website, or topics provided.
145. reason-phoenix
ReasonML/ReScript bindings for the Phoenix javascript library
146. bs-reach
Bucklescript bindings for reach ui
147. reason-minimal-template
A minimal template for reason react project with webpack configuration
149. bs-css-core
BuckleScript statically typed DSL for CSS (forked from
150. hackerz
Reason React Hacker News Demo
101-150 of 219 reason projects