All Projects → Aacpaginginfinitescrollingwithnetworksample → Similar Projects or Alternatives

632 Open source projects that are alternatives of or similar to Aacpaginginfinitescrollingwithnetworksample

DrawerLayout-like ViewGroup, where a "drawer" is hidden under the content view, which can be shifted to make the drawer visible.
Stars: ✭ 2,939 (+3871.62%)
Mutual labels:  android-development
基于谷歌最新AAC架构,MVVM设计模式的一套快速开发库,整合ViewModel+Lifecycles+Navigation+DataBinding+LiveData+Okhttp+Retrofit+RxJava+Glide等主流模块,满足日常开发需求。使用该框架可以快速开发高质量、易维护的Android应用。 项目组会持续维护,请放心使用.欢迎Start并Fork交流.
Stars: ✭ 382 (+416.22%)
Mutual labels:  room
Android Customtoast
Easy to use Custom Toast Library for Android
Stars: ✭ 24 (-67.57%)
Mutual labels:  android-development
Tictactoe Mvvm
Sample android application used to learn the Model View View Model pattern and DataBinding in Android
Stars: ✭ 268 (+262.16%)
Android app that shows weather at your current location or any custom location you specify. Uses Kotlin Flow for data streaming and coroutines for asynchronous work. Also leverages Room, navigation component, Viewmodel and Livedata Jetpack components with MVVM presentation layer architecture. Dagger 2 with Dagger android for dependency injection
Stars: ✭ 23 (-68.92%)
Mutual labels:  room
Android Contentprovider Generator
A tool to generate Android ContentProviders.
Stars: ✭ 625 (+744.59%)
Mutual labels:  android-development
Android Camera Example
A sample android camera example
Stars: ✭ 261 (+252.7%)
Mutual labels:  android-development
Calces Gradle Plugin
Stars: ✭ 366 (+394.59%)
Mutual labels:  android-architecture
This is a sample Android Project that is based on Clean Architecture
Stars: ✭ 64 (-13.51%)
Mutual labels:  room
Themed Toggle Button Group
Customisable toggle buttons inside a FlexboxLayout.
Stars: ✭ 357 (+382.43%)
Mutual labels:  android-development
Kotlin Android Examples
💪 [Examples] Isolated applications purely on Kotlin, for all android devs out there
Stars: ✭ 902 (+1118.92%)
Mutual labels:  android-development
Awesome Android Ui
😎 A curated list of awesome Android UI/UX libraries
Stars: ✭ 353 (+377.03%)
Mutual labels:  android-development
Android Dev
⚡️ Curated list of resources for Android app development. Prepare for battle!
Stars: ✭ 44 (-40.54%)
Mutual labels:  android-development
Android Particles
A lightweight Particle Animation Library for Android
Stars: ✭ 350 (+372.97%)
Mutual labels:  android-development
Minimal Kotlin Multiplatform project using Jetpack Compose and SwiftUI
Stars: ✭ 887 (+1098.65%)
Simple Contacts
Easy and quick contact management with no ads, handles groups and favorites too.
Stars: ✭ 346 (+367.57%)
Mutual labels:  android-development
Firebaseauth Android
Firebase Authentication code guideline for Android developer
Stars: ✭ 67 (-9.46%)
Mutual labels:  android-development
Some common patterns of memory leaks in Android development and how to fix/avoid them
Stars: ✭ 343 (+363.51%)
Mutual labels:  android-development
A bash script for installing B4X RAD tools in Linux systems
Stars: ✭ 6 (-91.89%)
Mutual labels:  android-development
Prefiller is a Gradle plugin that generates pre-filled Room databases at compile time.
Stars: ✭ 43 (-41.89%)
Mutual labels:  room
Adb Enhanced
🔪Swiss-army knife for Android testing and development 🔪 ⛺
Stars: ✭ 808 (+991.89%)
Mutual labels:  android-development
Android Mvp Sample Application
Android MVP Sample Application
Stars: ✭ 260 (+251.35%)
Mutual labels:  android-architecture
News Sample App
A sample news app which demonstrates clean architecture and best practices for developing android app
Stars: ✭ 334 (+351.35%)
Mutual labels:  room
This project uses Zomato API to get restaurants,recipes,ratings,etc.Screenshots attached
Stars: ✭ 61 (-17.57%)
Mutual labels:  android-development
Associate Android Developer Certification
All the info and materials about the certification that I've collected so far
Stars: ✭ 975 (+1217.57%)
Mutual labels:  android-development
An example Android app using Retrofit, Realm, Parceler, Dagger and the MVVM pattern with the data binding lib.
Stars: ✭ 616 (+732.43%)
Mutual labels:  android-architecture
🎨 A new Android MVP architecture (此框架旨在解决传统 MVP 类和接口太多, 并且 Presenter 和 View 通过接口通信过于繁琐, 重用 Presenter 代价太大等问题).
Stars: ✭ 776 (+948.65%)
Mutual labels:  android-architecture
Android Kotlin Mvp Architecture
This repository contains a detailed sample app that implements MVP architecture in Kotlin using Dagger2, Room, RxJava2, FastAndroidNetworking and PlaceholderView
Stars: ✭ 615 (+731.08%)
Mutual labels:  room
🌈 A Beautiful Motion Toast Library for Kotlin Android
Stars: ✭ 767 (+936.49%)
Mutual labels:  android-development
Blog Fragments 2017
Blog post regarding android fragments in 2017. Sample includes fragment-less architecture
Stars: ✭ 34 (-54.05%)
Mutual labels:  android-architecture
Dev Setup
macOS development environment setup: Easy-to-understand instructions with automated setup scripts for developer tools like Vim, Sublime Text, Bash, iTerm, Python data analysis, Spark, Hadoop MapReduce, AWS, Heroku, JavaScript web development, Android development, common data stores, and dev-based OS X defaults.
Stars: ✭ 5,590 (+7454.05%)
Mutual labels:  android-development
A highly customizable and performant custom view to render curved line graph.
Stars: ✭ 321 (+333.78%)
Mutual labels:  android-development
Android Translator
Stars: ✭ 69 (-6.76%)
Mutual labels:  android-development
Country Picker Android
A simple library that displays a beautiful list of all the countries allowing the user to pick the country he wishes and provide details like country code, iso code name,currency and flag.
Stars: ✭ 317 (+328.38%)
Mutual labels:  android-development
A collections of tips in Android developing.Android开发总结。我的博客:
Stars: ✭ 713 (+863.51%)
Mutual labels:  android-development
Stars: ✭ 3,281 (+4333.78%)
Mutual labels:  android-architecture
Social Note
Social Note - Note-taking, sharing, time & location reminder
Stars: ✭ 38 (-48.65%)
Mutual labels:  room
Manage your application locale and language.
Stars: ✭ 300 (+305.41%)
Mutual labels:  android-development
People Mvvm
Sample created to practice MVVM and DataBinding in Android Applications.
Stars: ✭ 660 (+791.89%)
Mutual labels:  android-architecture
The button which can use with icon, text, divider, custom ripple effect, border, corner radius e.t.c.
Stars: ✭ 63 (-14.86%)
Mutual labels:  android-development
EditDrawableText - An EditText which makes your Drawable Clickable
Stars: ✭ 288 (+289.19%)
Mutual labels:  android-development
Sample Offline-First MVVM app that uses Android Priority Job Queue, Room, Retrofit2, LiveData, LifecycleObserver, RxJava2, Dagger Android
Stars: ✭ 653 (+782.43%)
Mutual labels:  room
Stars: ✭ 286 (+286.49%)
Mutual labels:  room
Companion Android application for EdXposed
Stars: ✭ 1,172 (+1483.78%)
Mutual labels:  android-development
Android App Architecture Mvvm Databinding
A simple but complete project (in both Java & Kotlin) to demonstrate the Android application architecture with MVVM pattern, a client app for The Movie DB Web API. Dagger2 is used for dependency injection and RxJava is used for RFP (Reactive Functional Programming).
Stars: ✭ 69 (-6.76%)
Mutual labels:  android-development
Android Goldfinger
Android library to simplify Biometric authentication implementation.
Stars: ✭ 608 (+721.62%)
Mutual labels:  android-development
Pinboard Kotlin
Unofficial Pinboard android app, developed as a playground to study many topics related to Android. Kotlin + Coroutines + MVVM
Stars: ✭ 60 (-18.92%)
Mutual labels:  room
Android App Template
Kickstart your new project with Android App Template (Kotlin + MVVM + AAC + Dagger 2 + Retrofit 2 + RxJava)
Stars: ✭ 34 (-54.05%)
Pet project using Clean Architecture + MVVM + Reactive Extensions + Android Architecture Components. The data are fetched from LondonTheatreDirect API. 🎭
Stars: ✭ 577 (+679.73%)
Awesome Jetpack Compose Learning Resources
👓 A continuously updated list of learning Jetpack Compose for Android apps.
Stars: ✭ 275 (+271.62%)
Mutual labels:  android-architecture
This repo is an attempt to implement a complex animation
Stars: ✭ 630 (+751.35%)
Mutual labels:  android-development
Kotlin Cleanarchitecture
This is a sample app that is part of a blog post I have written about how to architect android application using the Uncle Bob's clean architecture and Fernando Cejas Android-CleanArchitecture in Kotlin. Post in Spanish:
Stars: ✭ 274 (+270.27%)
Mutual labels:  android-architecture
Awesome Android
A curated list of awesome Android packages and resources.
Stars: ✭ 8,843 (+11850%)
Mutual labels:  android-development
Android Pagination With Recyclerview
Pagination (Endless or Infinite Scrolling) using RecyclerView's onScrollListener
Stars: ✭ 269 (+263.51%)
Mutual labels:  android-development
Reactive Mvvm Android
My way to MVVM using KotlinX Coroutines and Android data-binding
Stars: ✭ 626 (+745.95%)
Mutual labels:  room
Android Mvp Mvvm Flytour
🔥🔥🔥 FlyTour是Android MVVM+MVP+Dagger2+Retrofit+RxJava+组件化+插件组成的双编码架构+双工程架构+双语言Android应用开发框架,通过不断的升级迭代该框架已经有了十个不同的版本,5.0之前工程架构采用gradle配置实现组件化,5.0之后的工程架构采用VirtualAPK实现了插件化,5.0之前采用Java编码实现,5.0之后采用Kotlin编码实现,编码架构由MVVM和MVP组成,工程架构和编码架构及编码语言开发者可根据自己具体的项目实际需求去决定选择使用,该框架是Android组件化、Android插件化、Android MVP架构、Android MVVM架构的集大成者,帮助你快速的搭建自己的App项目开发框架,以便把主要的精…
Stars: ✭ 2,948 (+3883.78%)
Mutual labels:  android-architecture
An Android Alerting Library
Stars: ✭ 5,213 (+6944.59%)
Mutual labels:  android-development
一个完整基于kotlin的安卓开发框架,采用了mvvm设计模式。涵盖了: 1、基于retrofit2封装的通过kotlin协程实现的网络框架 2、基于阿里开源router修改的api-router实现项目模块化 3、基于glide的图片加载缓存框架 4、基于room实现的往来数据缓存加载 5、基于step实现的数据异步提交 6、基于PreferenceHolder实现的本地数据快速存储 7、基于mlist实现的简单复杂列表的快速开发扩展 8、定制的toolbar可以自适应异形屏,挖孔屏,水滴屏等等。。 本框架几乎涵盖了开发所需的所有模块组件。简单fork之后就可以基于框架快速开发。
Stars: ✭ 33 (-55.41%)
Mutual labels:  room
Automatically track websites changes on Android in background.
Stars: ✭ 563 (+660.81%)
Mutual labels:  room
Simple Android app to show how to design a multi-modules MVVM Android app (fully tested)
Stars: ✭ 551 (+644.59%)
Mutual labels:  room
121-180 of 632 similar projects