TaTechnical Analysis Library using Pandas and Numpy
Stars: ✭ 2,649 (+17560%)
Bootcamp pythonBootcamp to learn Python for Machine Learning
Stars: ✭ 228 (+1420%)
WindroseA Python Matplotlib, Numpy library to manage wind data, draw windrose (also known as a polar rose plot), draw probability density function and fit Weibull distribution
Stars: ✭ 208 (+1286.67%)
Data Analysis主要是爬虫与数据分析项目总结,外加建模与机器学习,模型的评估。
Stars: ✭ 142 (+846.67%)
Fashion RecommendationA clothing retrieval and visual recommendation model for fashion images.
Stars: ✭ 193 (+1186.67%)
datascienvdatascienv is package that helps you to setup your environment in single line of code with all dependency and it is also include pyforest that provide single line of import all required ml libraries
Stars: ✭ 53 (+253.33%)
datasets🤗 The largest hub of ready-to-use datasets for ML models with fast, easy-to-use and efficient data manipulation tools
Stars: ✭ 13,870 (+92366.67%)
gcf-packsLibrary packs for google cloud functions
Stars: ✭ 48 (+220%)
Ml CheatsheetA constantly updated python machine learning cheatsheet
Stars: ✭ 136 (+806.67%)
AlphalensPerformance analysis of predictive (alpha) stock factors
Stars: ✭ 2,130 (+14100%)
Tensorflow Ml Nlp텐서플로우와 머신러닝으로 시작하는 자연어처리(로지스틱회귀부터 트랜스포머 챗봇까지)
Stars: ✭ 176 (+1073.33%)
Data Science TypesMypy stubs, i.e., type information, for numpy, pandas and matplotlib
Stars: ✭ 180 (+1100%)
Mathematical-ModelingA sharing of the learning process of mathematical modeling 数学建模常用工具模型算法分享:数学建模竞赛优秀论文,数学建模常用算法模型,LaTeX论文模板,SPSS工具分享。
Stars: ✭ 30 (+100%)
XarrayN-D labeled arrays and datasets in Python
Stars: ✭ 2,353 (+15586.67%)
EngeznyEngezny is a python package that quickly generates all possible charts from your dataframe and saves them for you, and engezny is only supporting now uni-parameter visualization using the pie, bar and barh visualizations.
Stars: ✭ 25 (+66.67%)
DatscanDatScan is an initiative to build an open-source CMS that will have the capability to solve any problem using data Analysis just with the help of various modules and a vast standardized module library
Stars: ✭ 13 (-13.33%)
onelinerhub2.5k code solutions with clear explanation @ onelinerhub.com
Stars: ✭ 645 (+4200%)
hamiltonA scalable general purpose micro-framework for defining dataflows. You can use it to create dataframes, numpy matrices, python objects, ML models, etc.
Stars: ✭ 612 (+3980%)
Data-Scientist-In-PythonThis repository contains notes and projects of Data scientist track from dataquest course work.
Stars: ✭ 23 (+53.33%)
Seaborn TutorialThis repository is my attempt to help Data Science aspirants gain necessary Data Visualization skills required to progress in their career. It includes all the types of plot offered by Seaborn, applied on random datasets.
Stars: ✭ 114 (+660%)
Ni PytMateriály k předmětu NI-PYT na FIT ČVUT
Stars: ✭ 112 (+646.67%)
Machine Learning With PythonPractice and tutorial-style notebooks covering wide variety of machine learning techniques
Stars: ✭ 2,197 (+14546.67%)
Stock Price PredictorThis project seeks to utilize Deep Learning models, Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM) Neural Network algorithm, to predict stock prices.
Stars: ✭ 146 (+873.33%)
PyRepository to store sample python programs for python learning
Stars: ✭ 4,154 (+27593.33%)
StudybookStudy E-Book(ComputerVision DeepLearning MachineLearning Math NLP Python ReinforcementLearning)
Stars: ✭ 1,457 (+9613.33%)
MarsMars is a tensor-based unified framework for large-scale data computation which scales numpy, pandas, scikit-learn and Python functions.
Stars: ✭ 2,308 (+15286.67%)
Andrew Ng NotesThis is Andrew NG Coursera Handwritten Notes.
Stars: ✭ 180 (+1100%)
PantheraData-frames & arrays on Clojure
Stars: ✭ 168 (+1020%)
Awkward 1.0Manipulate JSON-like data with NumPy-like idioms.
Stars: ✭ 203 (+1253.33%)
Python Wechat Itchat微信机器人,基于Python itchat接口功能实例展示:01-itchat获取微信好友或者微信群分享文章、02-itchat获取微信公众号文章、03-itchat监听微信公众号发送的文章、04 itchat监听微信群或好友撤回的消息、05 itchat获得微信好友信息以及表图对比、06 python打印出微信被删除好友、07 itchat自动回复好友、08 itchat微信好友个性签名词云图、09 itchat微信好友性别比例、10 微信群或微信好友撤回消息拦截、11 itchat微信群或好友之间转发消息
Stars: ✭ 216 (+1340%)
Stock Market Analysis And PredictionStock Market Analysis and Prediction is the project on technical analysis, visualization and prediction using data provided by Google Finance.
Stars: ✭ 112 (+646.67%)
covid-19Data ETL & Analysis on the global and Mexican datasets of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Stars: ✭ 14 (-6.67%)
Data-Wrangling-with-PythonSimplify your ETL processes with these hands-on data sanitation tips, tricks, and best practices
Stars: ✭ 90 (+500%)
saddleSADDLE: Scala Data Library
Stars: ✭ 23 (+53.33%)
ml-workflow-automationPython Machine Learning (ML) project that demonstrates the archetypal ML workflow within a Jupyter notebook, with automated model deployment as a RESTful service on Kubernetes.
Stars: ✭ 44 (+193.33%)
Orange3🍊 📊 💡 Orange: Interactive data analysis
Stars: ✭ 3,152 (+20913.33%)
valinvestA value investing tool based on Warren Buffett, Joseph Piotroski and Benjamin Graham thoughts
Stars: ✭ 84 (+460%)
Information-RetrievalInformation Retrieval algorithms developed in python. To follow the blog posts, click on the link:
Stars: ✭ 103 (+586.67%)
spyndexAwesome Spectral Indices in Python.
Stars: ✭ 56 (+273.33%)
SspipeSimple Smart Pipe: python productivity-tool for rapid data manipulation
Stars: ✭ 96 (+540%)
100 Pandas Puzzles100 data puzzles for pandas, ranging from short and simple to super tricky (60% complete)
Stars: ✭ 1,382 (+9113.33%)
Jetson ContainersMachine Learning Containers for NVIDIA Jetson and JetPack-L4T
Stars: ✭ 223 (+1386.67%)
ESAEasy SimAuto (ESA): An easy-to-use Power System Analysis Automation Environment atop PowerWorld Simulator Automation Server (SimAuto)
Stars: ✭ 26 (+73.33%)
Algorithmic-TradingI have been deeply interested in algorithmic trading and systematic trading algorithms. This Repository contains the code of what I have learnt on the way. It starts form some basic simple statistics and will lead up to complex machine learning algorithms.
Stars: ✭ 47 (+213.33%)