All Git Users → Azure-Samples

272 open source projects by Azure-Samples

101. media-services-v3-rest-postman
The postman collection in this repository contains REST calls to Azure Media Services v3 APIs.
✭ 20
102. Cognitive-Services-Vision-Solution-Templates
No description, website, or topics provided.
103. active-directory-python-flask-graphapi-web-v2
This sample demonstrates how you can use a third party library to build a Python-Flask application that signs in users and gets an Access Token for the Microsoft Graph.
✭ 38
105. azure-cosmos-db-mongodb-dotnet-getting-started
This sample shows how to access Azure Cosmos DB for MongoDB API from a .NET application
106. billing-dotnet-webapp-multitenant
A Web application that allows the logged-in user to give consent to the application, to call the Azure Graph API and the Azure Usage API on the user's behalf. It also shows the OAuth flows required to get consent for the ‘Reader’ role, for the list of Microsoft Azure subscriptions that the user wants to allow access to. The Microsoft Azure Billi…
107. batch-python-quickstart
A basic Python script that introduces Batch features such as pools, nodes, jobs, tasks, and interaction with Storage.
✭ 26
108. cognitive-services-node-sdk-samples
This sample demonstrates how to use the bing search api using the azure-cognitiveservices-search package in node.js.
✭ 27
110. docker-flask-postgres
A Flask application that demonstrates how to build data-driven Python apps in Azure App Service.
111. app-service-api-dotnet-contact-list
A simple contact list application built using Web API and Azure API Apps
112. docker-django-webapp-linux
A simple Python Django application running in a Docker container.
113. active-directory-dotnet-admin-restricted-scopes-v2
An ASP.NET MVC application that shows how to use the Azure AD v2.0 endpoint to collect consent for permissions that require administrative consent.
114. iot-edge-for-iiot
Learn how to use a hierarchy of Azure IoT Edge devices in a manufacturing environment to extract data from industrial assets and upload it to the Cloud while meeting the strict requirements of the Purdue network model.
115. ms-identity-javascript-angular-spa-aspnet-webapi-multitenant
Multi-tenancy tutorial demonstrating how to expose your app to users from other tenants, provide consent as admin and deploy it on Azure App Services using MSAL Angular
116. communication-services-contoso-med-app
Contoso Medical Application built using Azure Communication Services
117. functions-node-sas-token
Node.js Azure Function for getting a blob or container Storage SAS token
118. functions-first-serverless-web-application
Code for first serverless web application tutorial
119. active-directory-dotnet-native-headless
A windows desktop program that demonstrates non-interactive authentication to Azure AD using a username & password, and optionaly windows integrated authentication.
120. iot-middleware-freertos-samples
This repo has samples for dev kits using the Azure IoT middleware for FreeRTOS
121. cosmos-dotnet-getting-started
This sample shows you how get started quickly with Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB, using the SQL API and .NET.
✭ 24
122. cosmosdb-materialized-views
A full sample that shows how to implement real-time updated Materalized Views with CosmosDB, Change Feed and Azure Functions
123. data-lake-analytics-python-auth-options
A sample Python solution showing how to authenticate against Azure Active Directory (AAD) before using the Azure Data Lake Analytics (ADLA) Python SDKs.
✭ 18
124. storage-blobs-node-quickstart
Code for QuickStart article for accessing Blobs with Node JS
125. Cognitive-Speech-STT-iOS
iOS SDK for the Microsoft Speech-to-Text API, part of Cognitive Services
126. function-image-upload-resize
Sample function in Azure Functions that demonstrates how to upload and resize images in Azure Storage.
✭ 56
127. ms-identity-javascript-react-tutorial
A chapterwise tutorial that will take you through the fundamentals of modern authentication with Microsoft identity platform in React using MSAL React
128. cognitive-services-vision-csharp-sdk-quickstarts
Latest sample code for Cognitive Services Vision C# SDK quickstarts.
✭ 21
129. iot-hub-dotnet-simulated-device-client-app
Application collects simulated weather data and sends it to IoT hub, also take actions according to cloud-to-device message.
✭ 20
130. MLOpsDatabricks
MLOps practices using Azure ML service with Python SDK and Databricks for model training
131. digital-twins-explorer
A code sample for visualizing Azure Digital Twins graphs as a web application to create, edit, view, and diagnose digital twins, models, and relationships.
132. signalr-service-quickstart-serverless-chat
Serverless chat quickstart samples for Azure SignalR
133. active-directory-dotnet-desktop-msgraph-v2
Sample showing how a Windows desktop .NET (WPF) application can get an access token using MSAL.NET and call the Microsoft Graph API or other APIs protected by the Microsoft identity platform (Azure Active Directory v2)
134. service-fabric-api-management
Azure Resource Manager templates to create a Service Fabric cluster with Azure API Management.
✭ 28
135. ms-identity-javascript-v2
VanillaJS sample using MSAL.js v2.x and OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code Flow with PKCE on Microsoft identity platform
136. azure-ad-conditional-access-apis
Use Conditional Access Graph APIs to manage policies like code. Automate approvals to promote policies from preproduction environments, backup and restore, monitor change, and plan ahead for emergencies.
✭ 59
137. mysql-spring-boot-todo
Simple Spring Boot application using MySQL, ready to run on Azure.
140. service-bus-dotnet-messaging-performance
This sample can be used to help benchmark Service Bus premium messaging, and can be used for performance best practices.
✭ 41
141. active-directory-dotnet-windows-store
A Windows Store 8.1 or Windows 10 (UWP) application that uses Azure AD and the ADAL library to authenticate the user and call a web API using OAuth 2.0 access tokens.
142. batch-dotnet-ffmpeg-tutorial
A .NET application that uses Batch to process media files in parallel with the ffmpeg open-source tool.
✭ 26
143. MachineLearningSamples-ChurnPrediction
144. MachineLearningSamples-EnergyDemandTimeSeriesForecasting
145. media-services-node-vod
This sample demonstrates an example about video on demand in Azure Media Services with AngularJS and NodeJS
✭ 16
146. azure-sdk-for-python-keyvault-secrets-get-set-managedid
How to set and get secrets from Azure Key Vault with Azure Managed Identities and Python
147. azure-devops-release-notes
A serverless release note generator for Azure DevOps
✭ 59
148. MachineLearningSamples-DocumentCollectionAnalysis
149. MachineLearningSamples-TwitterSentimentPrediction
Use deep learning techniques to predict sentiment of twitter text
150. key-vault-dotnet-manage-key-vaults
Getting started on managing key vaults in C#
101-150 of 272 user projects