Rxdb🔄 A client side, offline-first, reactive database for JavaScript Applications
HibariHibari is a production-ready, distributed, ordered key-value, big data store. Hibari uses chain replication for strong consistency, high-availability, and durability. Hibari has excellent performance especially for read and large value operations.
OdmanticAsync ODM (Object Document Mapper) for MongoDB based on python type hints
EshopEshop + Content Management System (CMS) written in Node.js / Total.js.
DataATK Data - Data Access Framework for high-latency databases (Cloud SQL/NoSQL).
TiedotA rudimentary implementation of a basic document (NoSQL) database in Go
DbData access layer for PostgreSQL, CockroachDB, MySQL, SQLite and MongoDB with ORM-like features.
FtserverLightweight Embeddable iBoxDB Full Text Search Server for Java
HelicalinsightHelical Insight software is world’s first Open Source Business Intelligence framework which helps you to make sense out of your data and make well informed decisions.
OctosqlOctoSQL is a query tool that allows you to join, analyse and transform data from multiple databases and file formats using SQL.
IowowThe skiplist based persistent key/value storage engine
GopherlabsGo - Beginners | Intermediate | Advanced
Azure Cosmos Js@azure/cosmos has moved to a new repo https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-js
KivikKivik provides a common interface to CouchDB or CouchDB-like databases for Go and GopherJS.
MongooseMongoose module for Nest framework (node.js) 🍸
PaperPaper is a fast NoSQL-like storage for Java/Kotlin objects on Android with automatic schema migration support.
CassandradumpA data exporting tool for Cassandra inspired from mysqldump, with some additional slice and dice capabilities
HiveLightweight and blazing fast key-value database written in pure Dart.
PyarangoPython Driver for ArangoDB with built-in validation
Mage2vuestorefrontMagento to Vue-storefront datapump - synchronizes Products, Categories and Product-to-category links between your Magento2 API and NoSQL database of vue-storefront
GocqlPackage gocql implements a fast and robust Cassandra client for the Go programming language.
ObjectdbPersistent embedded document-oriented NoSQL database for Dart and Flutter.
AvancedbAn in-memory database based on the CouchDB REST API and containing the CouchDB Futon and Fauxton web sites
RomData mapping and persistence toolkit for Ruby
Nodejs DatastoreNode.js client for Google Cloud Datastore: a highly-scalable NoSQL database for your web and mobile applications.
DbA blazing fast ACID compliant NoSQL DataLake with support for storing 17 formats of data. Full SQL and DML capabilities along with Java stored procedures for advanced data processing.
CodisProxy based Redis cluster solution supporting pipeline and scaling dynamically
K8ssandraK8ssandra is an open-source distribution of Apache Cassandra for Kubernetes including API services and operational tooling.
TeraAn Internet-Scale Database.
Litedb.fsharpAdvanced F# Support for LiteDB, an embedded NoSql database for .NET with type-safe query expression through F# quotations
TendisTendis is a high-performance distributed storage system fully compatible with the Redis protocol.
JnosqlEclipse JNoSQL is a framework which has the goal to help Java developers to create Jakarta EE applications with NoSQL.
NusterA high performance HTTP proxy cache server and RESTful NoSQL cache server based on HAProxy
StampedeThe ToroDB solution to provide better analytics on top of MongoDB and make it easier to migrate from MongoDB to SQL
Dynomite⚡🦀 🧨 make your rust types fit DynamoDB and visa versa
Go CacheThis project encapsulates multiple db servers, redis、ledis、memcache、file、memory、nosql、postgresql
Arangodb🥑 ArangoDB is a native multi-model database with flexible data models for documents, graphs, and key-values. Build high performance applications using a convenient SQL-like query language or JavaScript extensions.
NosqlmapAutomated NoSQL database enumeration and web application exploitation tool.
CmsNode.js Content Management System
ArdbA redis protocol compatible nosql, it support multiple storage engines as backend like Google's LevelDB, Facebook's RocksDB, OpenLDAP's LMDB, PerconaFT, WiredTiger, ForestDB.
GrandnodeOpen source, headless, multi-tenant eCommerce platform built with .NET Core, MongoDB, AWS DocumentDB, Azure CosmosDB, Vue.js.
DyneinDynamoDB CLI written in Rust.
VarietyA schema analyzer for MongoDB
ElassandraElassandra = Elasticsearch + Apache Cassandra
NosqliNoSql Injection CLI tool, for finding vulnerable websites using MongoDB.
DatabazelThe analytical and reporting solution for MongoDB
Couchbase Lite IosLightweight, embedded, syncable NoSQL database engine for iOS and MacOS apps.
MongoeyeSchema and data analyzer for MongoDB written in Go.