All Git Users → Azure-Samples

272 open source projects by Azure-Samples

251. documentdb-node-todo-app
This sample shows you how to use the Microsoft Azure DocumentDB service to store and access data from a Node.js Express application hosted on Azure Websites.
252. app-service-web-php-get-started
This PHP (CodeIgniter) sample app is used by the getting started content to demonstrate how easy it is to develop a web app and deploy it to Azure App Service.
✭ 13
253. laravel-tasks
A simple Laravel application that demonstrates how to build data-driven PHP apps in Azure App Service.
254. ms-identity-dotnetcore-b2c-account-management
.NET Core console application using Microsoft Graph for Azure AD B2C user account management.
✭ 80
255. ms-identity-java-webapi
A Java Web API that calls another web API with the Microsoft identity platform using the On-Behalf-Of flow
256. active-directory-python-webapp-graphapi
A Python Web App calling the Microsoft Graph API, leveraging ADAL Python
257. azure-iot-samples-java
azure-iot-samples-java provides a set of easy-to-understand, continuously-tested samples for using Azure IoT Hub and Azure IoT Hub Device Provisioning Service using Java SDK.
✭ 27
258. NVIDIA-Deepstream-Azure-IoT-Edge-on-a-NVIDIA-Jetson-Nano
This is a sample showing how to do real-time video analytics with NVIDIA DeepStream connected to Azure via Azure IoT Edge. It uses a NVIDIA Jetson Nano device that can process up to 8 real-time video streams concurrently.
✭ 152
260. cognitive-services-javascript-computer-vision-tutorial
This tutorial shows the features of the Microsoft Cognitive Services Computer Vision REST API.
261. media-services-javascript-azure-media-subclipper-plugin
An Azure Media Player Plugin that enables subclipping a live or on-demand video stream
262. active-directory-dotnet-deviceprofile
This sample demonstrates how to leverage ADAL .NET to authenticate user calls to a web API (in this case, the directory Graph) from apps that do not have the capability of offering an interactive authentication experience.
263. event-hubs-dotnet-user-notifications
Simple app that shows how to monitor events received by an event or IoT hubs and to notify users via email, SMS, or phone.
✭ 28
264. app-service-web-dotnet-get-started
This ASP.NET sample project is used by the getting started content to demonstrate how easy it is to develop a web app and deploy it to Azure App Service.
265. active-directory-dotnet-daemon-certificate-credential
A .NET 4.5 daemon application that uses a certificate to authenticate with Azure AD and get OAuth 2.0 access tokens.
266. Cognitive-Speech-STT-Android
Android SDK for the Microsoft Speech-to-Text API, part of Cognitive Services
✭ 100
268. app-service-web-nodejs-get-started
This Node.js (Express) sample app is used by the getting started content to demonstrate how easy it is to develop a web app and deploy it to Azure App Service.
269. azure-sdk-for-js-keyvault-secrets-get-nodejs-managedid
How to get secrets from Azure Key Vault with Azure Managed Identities and Node.js
✭ 11
270. functions-csharp-premium-scaler
.NET Function that uses Azure Durable Functions to schedule the scale of a function app + CosmosDB to a pre-warmed premium plan for 4 hours. After the 4 hours it moves the app back to the consumption plan, and scales down CosmosDB database.
✭ 38
271. Azure-Time-Series-Insights
Sample modules written in different languages that can be used as templates for applications needing to query Time Series Insights
✭ 21
272. MachineLearningSamples-Notebooks
Example Notebooks for Azure Machine Learning
251-272 of 272 user projects