All Git Users → Azure-Samples

272 open source projects by Azure-Samples

201. customer-car-reviews
This is a sample application which acts as a Car Review web site and showcases the Azure Serverless services.
203. AzureSpeechReactSample
This sample shows how to integrate the Azure Speech service into a sample React application. This sample shows design pattern examples for authentication token exchange and management, as well as capturing audio from a microphone or file for speech-to-text conversions.
204. billing-dotnet-core-invoice-download
An example on how to use .NET Core to connect to Azure and get your invoices
✭ 17
205. aci-event-driven-worker-queue
Learn how to use Azure Container Instances to scale up containers on-demand in response to incoming work.
207. LUIS-DevOps-Template
Template repo encapsulating best engineering practices and DevOps using GitHub Actions for the development of a LUIS application.
209. storage-blobs-java-quickstart
Code for QuickStart article for accessing Blobs with Java
✭ 18
210. DSRegTool
No description, website, or topics provided.
✭ 35
211. functions-xamarin-getting-started
This sample showcases how to create Azure Functions through the Azure portal and Visual Studio 2017, and how to call the function from a Xamarin.Forms client app.
✭ 31
212. active-directory-b2c-javascript-hellojs-singlepageapp
A single page app, implemented with an ASP.NET Web API backend, that signs up & signs in users using Azure AD B2C and calls the web API using OAuth 2.0 access tokens.
213. storage-blob-resize-function-node-v10
Demonstrates how to use the Azure Storage v10 SDK to implement a Blob trigger function to resize images in Node.js.
✭ 16
214. active-directory-javascript-nodejs-webapi-v2
A small Node.js Web API that is protected with Azure AD v2.0 to validate access tokens and accepts authorized calls using Passport.js
215. resource-manager-python-template-deployment
An example illustrating how to use Python to deploy an Azure Resource Manager Template
✭ 30
216. hdinsight-kafka-java-get-started
Basic example of using Java to create a producer and consumer that work with Kafka on HDInsight. Also a demonstration of the streaming api.
✭ 29
217. event-hubs-dotnet-import-from-sql
Simple cloud app that pulls incremental records from a SQL Azure table and pushes to event hub
✭ 28
218. storage-blobs-go-quickstart
Code for QuickStart article for accessing Blobs with Go
✭ 25
219. media-services-3rdparty-player-samples
Azure Media Services samples for using popular 3rd party player frameworks that support HLS or MPEG-DASH delivery
220. iot-hub-c-raspberrypi-getstartedkit
Get started with the Raspberry Pi Azure IoT Starter Kit
221. media-services-v3-dotnet
The projects in this repository show how to implement different Azure Media Services scenarios using the v3 version.
223. onnxruntime-iot-edge
reference implementation to use ONNX Runtime with Azure IoT Edge
225. azure-cosmos-db-sample-data
This repository hosts sample data used by Azure Cosmos DB documentation.
✭ 21
226. active-directory-dotnet-native-multitarget
A Xamarin application that signs users in with Azure Active Directory across several different platforms and calls the Microsoft Graph API using OAuth 2.0 access tokens.
227. azure-cosmos-table-dotnet-core-getting-started
This .net core sample demonstrates how to perform common tasks using Azure Cosmos DB Table API with .NET Standard SDK including creating a table, CRUD operation, batch operation and different querying techniques.
✭ 26
228. azure-serverless-workshop-team-assistant
Azure Serverless workshop on building a team personal assistant with Azure Functions, Logic Apps, and Event Grid.
229. storage-dotnet-blob-tier-analysis-tool
Lightweight utility to analyze blob storage for potential cost savings opportunities afforded by tiering to archive
✭ 15
231. azure-cosmos-db-python-getting-started
Azure Cosmos DB is Microsoft's globally distributed, multi-model database service. This tutorial shows how to get started with the SQL API and the Python SDK.
✭ 43
232. media-services-dotnet-live-monitoring-dashboard
A live event telemetry dashboard for monitoring the health of Azure media services
233. AnomalyDetector
Samples for the Anomaly Detection API documentation:
234. Cognitive-Speech-STT-Windows
Windows SDK for the Microsoft Speech-to-Text API, part of Cognitive Services
✭ 110
235. MachineLearningSamples-SentimentAnalysis
✭ 27
236. azure-samples-python-management
This repo contains sample code for management libraries of Azure SDK for Python
237. aks-dotnet-manage-kubernetes-cluster
Getting started on managing Kubernetes clusters (AKS) using C#
238. azuredevtour
Azure Dev Tour - Sample Code & Resources
239. active-directory-android
An android app that uses Azure AD and the ADAL library for authenticating the user and calling a web API using OAuth 2.0 access tokens.
240. ms-identity-dotnet-webapi-azurefunctions
DotNet Azure Function Web API secured by Azure AD
✭ 35
241. iot-devkit-web-simulator
A web-based tool for IoT developers to experience some of our mini solutions of MXChip IoT DevKit(
242. php-docs-hello-world
A simple php application for docs
✭ 28
243. ms-identity-mobile-apple-swift-objc
An iOS sample in Swift that authenticates Microsoft Account and Azure AD users and calls the Graph API using OAuth 2.0
244. media-services-v3-dotnet-core-functions-integration
The project includes several folders of sample Azure Functions for use with Azure Media Services v3 that show workflows related to ingesting content, encoding, publishing or live stream management.
245. SpeechToText-REST
REST Samples of Speech To Text API
246. managed-disks-powershell-getting-started
This repo contains sample Powershell scripts for various scenarios of using Azure Managed Disks
✭ 28
247. aci-helloworld
Sample Node.js application used to demonstrate containerized deployment to Azure Container Instances
248. communication-services-javascript-quickstarts
Sample code for Azure Communication Services JavaScript quickstarts
249. functions-custom-handlers
Sample code for Azure Functions custom handlers
✭ 80
250. container-apps-connect-multiple-apps
Azure Sample showing how to connect and call multiple container apps within the same environment. Shows the approach to use both with and without Dapr.
201-250 of 272 user projects