All Git Users → TonnyL

14 open source projects by TonnyL

1. Fanfouhandpick
📖 A Fanfou Handpick Client Developed by Kotlin
2. Windary
🎓 My solutions to LeetCode problems written in Go, Java, JavaScript, Kotlin, Python, Rust & Swift.
3. Zhihu zhuanlan apis
4. Paperplane
📚 PaperPlane - An Android reading app, including articles from Zhihu Daily, Guokr Handpick and Douban Moment.
5. Translator
📘 Translator-A translation app based on Android platform
6. Espresso
🚚 Espresso is an express delivery tracking app designed with Material Design style, built on MVP(Model-View-Presenter) architecture with RxJava2, Retrofit2, Realm database and ZXing
8. Spark
🎨 An Android library to create gradient animation like Instagram&Spotify
11. Whatsnew
🎉 WhatsNew automatically displays a short description of the new features when users update your app
12. Charles
[WIP]✨ Charles is a local multi-media selector for Android
13. Reader
📚 MVP + Volley + Gson, 内容包含了糗事百科,煎蛋,和内涵段子
14. awesome-courses-of-chinese-university
✭ 27
1-14 of 14 user projects