All Git Users → adnanrahic

14 open source projects by adnanrahic

1. A Crash Course On Serverless Auth
A short and easy boilerplate showcasing JWT auth with Nodejs, the Serverless framework, MongoDB and AWS Lambda.
2. Serverless Side Rendering React Next
Sample repo for setting up Next and React on AWS Lambda with the Serverless Framework.
3. Serverless Docker Image Resize
Simple serverless image resize on-the-fly - Deploy with one command - Built with AWS Lambda and S3
4. Building A Serverless Rest Api With Nodejs
A quick and easy guide of how to hook up a single Serverless service with basic MongoDB connection and CRUD interaction.
7. serverless-side-rendering-vue-nuxt
Sample project for using Nuxt.js to create a server-side rendered Vue.js app on AWS Lambda and AWS API Gateway.
10. a-crash-course-on-serverless-apis-with-express-and-mongodb
No description, website, or topics provided.
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12. lambda-sns-dlq-error-handling
Sample project for showing the ability to publish an SNS topic and trigger a function from the topic. Code is structured to create a timeout/crash so the dead letter queue SNS topic gets published, in turn triggering the error handler function.
1-14 of 14 user projects